1-10 of 15 results
Evaluating Simulation Tools to Study the Impact of Space Shuttle Launch on the National Air Transportation System
PI Ahmed Abdelghany
The objective of this project is to provide a comparative study to evaluate the functionalities of the available airspace simulation tools.
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Increasing student learning and engagement using a TV series: Leadership in the Final Frontier
PI Anke Arnaud
Educators are continuously concerned with developing innovative and effective teaching methodology to increase student learning and engagement. This study is designed to assess the effectiveness of an innovative instructional methodology, using a TV series to teach and develop leadership understanding, skills and knowledge.
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Automated Homework System: Improving Teaching Quality by Utilizing Technology
PI Farshid Azadian
One of the essential elements in improving the students' skills and abilities and helping them to better understand the course materials is homework assignments. A well designed and purposeful homework not only enhances the student's understanding but also may provide valuable feedback to instructors.
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Aircraft Boarding Strategies
PI Massoud Bazargan
Airlines today employ various strategies to cut costs and become lean and efficient.
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A Simulation Approach to Manpower Planning at Continental Airlines
PI Massoud Bazargan
This research relates to the development of a computerized line maintenance simulation model for strategic manpower planning at Continental Airlines for one of their major maintenance stations at Newark airport.
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A Simulation Study to Determine Optimal Shipping Strategy
PI Massoud Bazargan
The purpose of the project is to develop a simulation that can serve as means for choosing the optimal shipping option based on given criteria.
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Development of an Aviation Weather Database Highlighting Weather Encounters
PI Massoud Bazargan
The project team, which includes the FAA's Civil Aerospace Medical Institute, Clemson University, and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, interviewed 26 General Aviation (GA) pilots over a 25-month period.
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GA Airport funding strategies
PI Massoud Bazargan
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current financial environment of publicly owned and operated general aviation airports, and to develop an outlook for future potential.
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Integration of Small Aircraft Transportation Systems (SATS) into General Aviation
PI Massoud Bazargan
Conducted operational and simulation approaches to identify potential bottlenecks and examine future expansion strategies for airports by integrating SATS with GA.
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1-10 of 15 results