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Outgoing Exchange

World Travels (Smaller)During Outgoing Exchange Programs, Embry-Riddle students take their studies to another country, and from their time abroad, every student gains valuable  experience to help them land their dream job. Being in an unfamiliar environment expands your mind to look beyond your personal environment and introduces you to new cultures. It also requires you to become more flexible and pushes you to think on your feet. Furthermore, by living in another country, you expand your network to
 another part of the world! The Office of Global Engagement (OGE) encourages students to study abroad as early as possible in their college experience, and we are here every step of the way to assist students and answer any questions.
Students must be a minimum of 18 years old at the start of their exchange program

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of Outgoing Exchange Programs?
  • Partner Universities Exchanges
    • This type of exchange is a direct agreement between ERAU and our partner universities.
  • GE3 Exchanges
    • This exchange type is only available for STEM students, and there are more universities available for selection.
  • DAAD Programs
    • DAAD is a German Academic Exchange Service. There are three programs that fall under DAAD, and they are Study Program (SP), Internship Program (IP), and Study & Internship Program (SIP). These programs are only available to STEM students, and some DAAD Programs offer scholarships. For more information on this type of exchange, please reach out to the OGE.
What are the deadlines for Outgoing Exchange Programs?
PLEASE NOTE: There may be different deadlines for your program, so be sure to check your specific Program Brochure for the most accurate deadline and with the study abroad and global engagement office.
  • Partner Universities Exchanges
    • Fall: last Friday of March
    • Spring: fourth Friday of September
    • Academic Year: last Friday of March
  • GE3 Exchanges
    • Fall: third Friday of February
    • Spring: second Friday of September
    • Academic Year: third Friday of February
  • DAAD Programs
    • For all DAAD Program Deadlines, check your specific Program Brochure
What are the basic requirements all students need to participate in an Outgoing Exchange?
  • Students must be a minimum of 18 years old
  • Students should at least be a Sophomore. Seniors are expected to take their last 30 hours at ERAU. (Exceptions can be made in unique circumstances.)
  • Students must be in Good Standing with the university.
  • Students should have a 2.0 CGPA (cumulative grade point average) to apply, but some host universities may require a higher GPA for acceptance.
  • WW students must do a temporary transfer to the Daytona Beach campus in order to participate in an exchange program.
  • All students traveling abroad must have a valid, current passport with an expiration date 6 months beyond their estimated return date.
How do I finance my Outgoing Exchange?
  • For Outgoing Exchanges, participants pay the normal ERAU Tuition, and Financial Aid/Scholarships apply to the program. For your specific financial situation, check with ERNIE Central (DB Students), the Financial Aid Office (PR Students), or the Student Financial Services Office (WW Students).
  • If you are using VA Benefits, please check with the VA Office regarding your financial situation
  • You do not pay ERAU housing while abroad, and housing costs are typically paid to the host university.
  • Some universities may require additional Student Fees.
  • Review the Scholarships page on our website if additional funding is needed.
What are some Important Things to Remember?
  • The earlier you study abroad, the easier it will be to place you within a program.
  • Each Outgoing Exchange is unique to the individual, and you will work with the OGE to best set you up for success while abroad.
  • Save General Education and Open Elective courses for the program. With a wider scope of courses you can take, you will be able to choose from more programs.
  • Seniors must attend their home campus for their last 30 credit hours, but exceptions may apply.
  • There are programs for every Major and Minor.
  • Most courses you take abroad will apply to your current degree track. You can also opt to take an internship abroad.
  • Choose to take courses in English or fully immersed in a foreign language. Note: partner universities require you to show proof of language fluency.
  • Grades for study abroad exchange courses are Pass/Not Pass, and they do not affect your GPA.
  • You will need to complete a Course Approval Form to obtain approval from your Program Coordinator or designated rep. This form will be available in the Application Process.
How do I begin my Outgoing Exchange journey?
  1. Research potential Outgoing Exchange Programs that interest you by clicking on the 3 buttons below. Afterwards, come see us so we can help you map out your plan.
  2. Complete the Application. The ‘Apply Now’ button is found on each program’s page, and applications include the following requirements:
    • 2 Recommendation Letters
      • 1 must come from a professor
      • The other one can come from a second professor or a previous supervisor
    • Submission of the picture page from your passport
    • One-page, double-spaced response on why you want to study abroad
    • Transcripts
    • $100 Application Fee
  3. Work with your Academic Advisor/Program Coordinator/Designated rep to obtain course approvals. The OGE will help with this step as well. (Obtaining the classes you will take at the host university is the most important step of an Outgoing Exchange.)
  4. Apply for a Visa. The OGE is not responsible for Visas, and you need to remember the following:
    • All students will check with the nearest Consulate to become familiar with the requirements of obtaining a Visa, as well as  the costs, and time delays. It is responsibility of the student to obtain his or her Visa, and in no way will ERAU be responsible for any consequences of a lack thereof. 
    • International students must check with ERAU International Student Services on the tasks that need to be completed prior to leaving for your Outgoing Exchange.
    • The host university/program will provide you with the information and paperwork needed to obtain your Visa to study at their university.
    • Ensure you are receiving the correct Visa by checking with the embassy in the country of the host university.
  5. Read through the Outgoing Exchange Student Guidebook.
