Applied Meteorology Degree

Bachelor of Science in
Applied Meteorology

In this respected program, students can grasp the intricacies of weather forecasting to prepare for immediate careers in meteorology or move on to an advanced degree.

Accurate weather forecasting saves lives. Hurricane hunting, severe storm prediction, providing expert guidance to emergency response teams, and mitigating communications problems caused by space weather are a few of the ways in which meteorologists play an important role in today’s society.

Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University's Bachelor of Science in Applied Meteorology program prepares students for fascinating careers in the U.S. military, the National Weather Service, commercial operations, aviation companies, or for graduate school for advanced studies in atmospheric sciences.

The program meets the guidelines set by the American Meteorological Society (AMS), National Weather Service, and U.S. Air Force, ensuring our graduates have the professional skills necessary for immediate productivity. Military ROTC is an important part of our program, with many students gaining scholarships and earning coveted rated slots with the US Air Force.

Our students combine theory with valuable hands-on experience to ensure they’re career-ready. They use interactive graphics software to visualize and apply concepts taught in class to today’s weather forecast or tomorrow’s climate. They benefit from direct access to experienced faculty in a small class setting, along with state-of-the-art weather forecasting and observing equipment.

Students also team up with a faculty member to complete a capstone research project in a subject of mutual interest to the student and the faculty member. Students can complement their studies with certifications in Emergency Response Meteorology or Airline Dispatching. Minors are available in Mathematics, Computer Science, Flight, Defense Studies, Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Air Traffic Control, to name a few.


About Applied Meteorology at the Prescott, AZ Campus

The Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Meteorology provides a practical understanding of the physics and dynamics of the atmosphere. Emphasis is placed on applying theory to operational weather forecasting and decision-making for weather-sensitive industries, including possible hands-on experience as a meteorology intern.

Video: Applied Meteorology at Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott

The Bachelor of Science in Applied Meteorology degree is housed in the Department of Applied Aviation Sciences in the College of Aviation, and prepares graduating students for careers as meteorologists with the government, military, television, or the private sector, as dispatchers, or for graduate studies toward a career in research or academia.

The program meets all the requirements for undergraduate study in meteorology recommended by the American Meteorological Society, the National Weather Service, and the U.S. Air Force. All graduates also meet U.S. Office of Personnel Management Qualification Standards for the position of meteorologist.

Students use a state-of-the-art Meteorology Lab and computer-equipped classrooms to understand and forecast complex atmospheric phenomena ranging from severe thunderstorms and tornadoes, to cyclones, fronts, and jet streams, to global climate and how it is changing.

With some additional coursework, students in the Applied Meteorology degree program may choose to pursue an Emergency Response Meteorologist Certification, Aircraft Dispatch Certification, Fixed-wing Flight minor (leading to Commercial Pilot Certification), or a Defense Studies minor.

Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University has one of the largest and highest rated Air Force ROTC programs in the country. Since Applied Meteorology is a technical degree, substantial scholarships are available to eligible students through Air Force ROTC and the Army Cadet Command.

The program also routinely provides opportunities for students to study abroad every year, bringing meteorology out of the classroom and onto the world stage. International curriculum allows students to investigate, discover, and study unique weather conditions on a global scale and see first-hand the multitude of ways culture interacts with climate. In recent years, our students have studied mountain meteorology in the Swiss Alps and tropical meteorology in the Amazon basin.

The student-led Weather Club is a student chapter of the American Meteorological Society and features valuable networking opportunities at professional meetings, along with more social activities like kayaking and hiking, with faculty often joining in the fun.

Learn more about the Meteorology Lab

Learn more about the Prescott, AZ Campus

High School Students: Apply for our Storm Science & Monsoon Meteorology Summer Camp


120 Credits

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