Seven students sit around a large black table, each working on a different laptop. Other equipment, a drone, and several small yellow and red cubes are also on the table. Seven students sit around a large black table, each working on a different laptop. Other equipment, a drone, and several small yellow and red cubes are also on the table.
The newly opened Cyber Gym lets students build skills in all areas of cybersecurity by facing real-life challenges. (Photo: Embry-Riddle / Connor McShane)

How to Get Experience in Cybersecurity

Story by Jon O'Neill
Jon O'Neill

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Great cybersecurity careers are waiting for those who are ready, and Embry-Riddle offers key experience that prepares students for huge opportunities.

Hands-on, real-world experience is vital in shaping the next generation of cyberwarriors, ensuring they are 100% ready for the challenges of safeguarding our highly connected world.

The College of Business, Security and Intelligence at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Prescott Campus has recognized this crucial need. By enhancing facilities over the last decade, Embry-Riddle provides cutting-edge resources that allow cybersecurity students a first-hand look at what it is really like to work in the cyber intelligence and security fields.

Central to this commitment are the state-of-the-art Cyber Lab and the recently opened Cyber Gym Maker Space. These facilities, designed to be at the forefront of technology, collectively serve as the nucleus for immersive learning along with groundbreaking research.

Cyber Lab: Putting Theory Into Practice

The Prescott Campus Cyber Lab, also known as the “Hacker Lab,” transcends the conventional computer-filled room; it is a dynamic, interactive classroom that bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Equipped with the latest hardware and software, the lab offers an unparalleled opportunity for students to engage in real-world cybersecurity scenarios.

Instructors guide students through practical exercises, covering topics from setting up secure networks and ethically hacking systems to identifying threats using data analytics and machine learning, along with defending against threats by using cryptography and state-of-the-art mitigations.

At the core of the Cyber Lab is an advanced backend server and networking infrastructure. Combined with industry-grade cybersecurity tools, this infrastructure provides a safe and controlled environment for students to experiment, analyze and simulate various threats.

The lab also hosts an experimental networking rack, generously donated by Juniper Networks, an addition that enhances hands-on learning in computer networking and security courses.

Several students sit in front of desktop computers in a darkened classroom.


Students get intense practice gathering threat intelligence and defending against bad cyberspace actors in Embry-Riddle’s renowned Cyber Lab, aka the “Hacker Lab.” (Photo: Embry-Riddle/Connor McShane)

Working Out at the Cyber Gym

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the College of Business, Security and Intelligence, Embry-Riddle also launched the Cyber Gym Maker Space in Building 17 on the Prescott Campus.

This collaborative workspace emphasizes a hands-on, do-it-yourself approach to learning and creation. It serves as a hub for students to engage in faculty-mentored projects, sharing resources and knowledge, and as a place to showcase projects and build industry connections.

The Cyber Gym is equipped with cutting-edge software and hardware, including a deep learning AI server, and encourages participants to explore new ideas and bring their creative visions to life.

This inclusive space fosters a collaborative atmosphere, mirroring real-world scenarios where diverse teams address complex cybersecurity issues.

“The Cyber Gym enables us not only to apply classroom knowledge but also engage in independent research, development and demonstration in emerging industry areas,” said Abigail Geiger (’25), a B.S. in Cyber Intelligence and Security major involved in both the aviation Capture the Flag project and a Boeing capstone project on Internet-of-Things security. “I find myself in the Cyber Gym almost every day, collaborating with fellow CIS students and faculty on new aviation cybersecurity challenges. Moreover, the Cyber Gym provides a platform for students to present and interact with visiting industry leaders and experts, enhancing our exposure to real-world applications and industry insights.”

The Cyber Gym also serves as a research center for our cyber intelligence and security faculty. This synergy between hands-on education and research creates a feedback loop that enriches both teaching practices and the overall knowledge base of the cybersecurity field.

Embry-Riddle’s Cyber Lab and Cyber Gym are helping unlock the future of cyber education and research, propelling students towards success by preparing them to tackle the real-life challenges of today’s cybersecurity landscape.

A woman with blonde hair and glasses talks to a man with a white mustache and hair near a table with various computer equipment, including a large drone. Several other people mill about in the background.


Members of the College of Business, Security and Intelligence Advisory Board get a student-led look inside the new Cyber Gym. (Photo: Embry-Riddle/Connor McShane)

Making Global Cybersecurity Connections in Arizona

Our faculty members are renowned experts and researchers with deep connections to government and industry security providers globally. This vast network can open key doors at some of the world’s top employers, including leading cybersecurity companies, the U.S. Department of Defense and many three-letter agencies.

While studying in Arizona, Prescott Campus students aiming to expand their skillsets or find other support to help boost the start of their careers have several options to choose from. They include:

  • CyberPatriot: Embry‑Riddle is a Silver Sponsor of CyberPatriot and offers scholarship opportunities for incoming cyber program students at the Prescott and Daytona Beach campuses. Find out more about the scholarship here.
  • CAE Community: A community of institutions and organizations that are designated as National Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cybersecurity by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). These institutions have met rigorous criteria and demonstrated excellence in cybersecurity education and research. CAE students get access to a network of professionals, experts and peers interested in cybersecurity.

Embry-Riddle’s Cyber Intelligence and Security Department’s faculty and students have also been a part of the Greater Arizona cybersecurity community, which includes small and large companies, governmental organizations and other academic partners:

  • AZ Cyber Talent provides a portal to resources for employers, students, organizations and academic partners that want to exchange ideas and reach out to the greater community.
  • Arizona Cyber Threat Response Alliance (ACTRA) is a centralized platform for collaboration among key stakeholders from industry, government, academia, law enforcement and intelligence. Members and non-members actively contribute and share insights as well as analyzing real-time cyber threat intelligence, all crucial to protecting critical infrastructure and national security.
  • North American Cyber Range Alliance (NACRA) is an Arizona Cyber Threat Response Alliance (ACTRA) initiative that aims to strengthen our nation’s cyber defense and cultivate a cadre of highly skilled and trusted cyber operatives by developing an alliance committed to collaborating for the common good.
  • AZ Infragard is an alliance between the Arizona Office of the FBI and individuals committed to protecting the nation’s infrastructure and its people. The alliance’s mission is to support the priorities of the FBI and cultivate partnerships with the public and private sectors by sharing actionable information and hosting training and educational events.
  • National Cyber Watch is a consortium of higher education institutions, businesses and government agencies focused on collaborative efforts to advance information security education and strengthen the national cybersecurity workforce.
  • AZ Cyber Initiative is a platform that empowers the youth of Arizona with the inspiration and skills needed to explore and pursue meaningful careers within the rapidly evolving landscape of the nation’s digital economy involving cyberspace and emergent technologies.

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