Building a SMART@ER Workforce
Academic pathways are designed to help prepare students for the future. Whether their goal is to pursue a college degree of focus on a career, these pathways will provide them with skills needed for success after graduating from high school. Available pathways include:
- Aeronautics & Flight
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems (aka “Drones”)
- Aerospace Engineering
- Cybersecurity & Technology
- Commercial Space Operations
Build a strong program by including middle schools and ninth grade students with one of our SMART@ER (Space, Manufacturing, Aviation, Robotics, Technology @ Embry-Riddle) high school credit courses. The available courses include:
- Introduction to Aeronautical Science
- Foundations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Becoming a Certificated Remote Pilot in Command
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Understanding UAS Applications in Agriscience
- Preparing for Private Pilot Ground School
- Aviation Algebra
- Introduction to Commercial Space
- Aviation Technical Design (CAD)