Dr. Bert Boquet works with a student and lab technician to measure pilot performace in a simulator.

Ph.D. in
Human Factors

This program provides a robust skill set for research development and data analysis and offers specializations in three areas to prepare candidates for research careers.

With technological advances in manufacturing and production comes the need for more efficient human-machine interactions. It is human factors professionals who will ensure efficiency and safety in the design of systems and machines of the future. 

The Ph.D. in Human Factors at Embry‑Riddle is focused on advanced techniques in research with a highly quantitative focus. Embry‑Riddle is the only university in the United States to offer undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate programs in Human Factors, which attracts external funded research opportunities.

The department offers broad research opportunities with an emphasis on quality applied research. It specializes in human performance research and is proud of its reputation for successfully completing challenging projects.

At ERAU, students in the Human Factors program learn amid industry experts and gain access to a wide variety of training facilities capable of supporting research program objectives.

ERAU Labs and Facilities include two flight simulators that emulate technically advanced aircraft, simulation of unmanned aerial systems, team performance lab, physiology and color vision lab, and a motion sickness lab.  

The availability of ongoing projects and research across the campus provides students with opportunity for collaborative engagement.

With the skills Human Factors graduates possess, it’s easy to move across disciplines. Graduates can look forward to careers in academia, private industry, government, or the military.


About Human Factors at the Daytona Beach, FL Campus

The objective of this Ph.D. program is to provide highly-qualified students an opportunity to complete a rigorous program in Human Factors, equipping students with advanced knowledge, skills, and techniques in research that are relevant to Human Factors. 

The emphasis in the curriculum is highly quantitative in nature, providing these students with a robust skill set for research development and data analysis. The program focuses on core educational elements of the discipline including sensation, perception, cognition and statistics, with specializations offered in three key research areas: 

  • Aviation/aerospace human factors
  • Medical human factors 
  • Technology-enhanced learning and testing

The Ph.D. in Human Factors degree is housed in the Department of Human Factors and Behavioral Neurobiology of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The program is open to students who have earned a bachelor's or master’s degree in Human Factors, Psychology, or other closely-related fields. These students will have an exemplary academic record, will have demonstrated independent research skills, and wish to pursue research positions in academics, government, or industry when they graduate. 

Students have access to labs and facilities at the Daytona Campus dedicated to aerospace and aviation, including the unmanned aircraft systems simulation, team performance lab, physiology and color vision lab, and the motion sickness lab.

Learn more about the Daytona Beach, FL Campus


48 Credits

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