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181-190 of 238 results

  • NSF REU Site: Swarms of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Age of AI/Machine Learning

    PI Houbing Song

    CO-I Richard Stansbury

    Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University establishes a new Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site to engage participants in research in drone swarms. The emerging concept of drone swarms, which is defined as the ability of drones to autonomously make decisions based on shared information, creates new opportunities with major societal implications. However, future drone swarm applications and services pose new networking challenges. A resurgence of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning research presents a tremendous opportunity for addressing these networking challenges. There is an overwhelming need to foster a robust workforce with competencies to enable future drone swarm applications and services in the age of AI/machine learning.

    The project establishes a new Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site with a focus on networking research for drone swarms in the age of AI/machine learning at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The goals of the REU Site are: (1) attract undergraduate students to state-of-the-art drone swarm research, especially those from underrepresented groups, and from institutions with limited opportunities; (2) develop the research capacity of participants by guiding them to perform research on drone swarms; (3) grow the participants’ technical skills to enable a wide variety of beneficial applications of drone swarms; (4) promote the participants’ integrated AI/machine learning and drone swarm competencies; and (5) prepare participants with professional skills for careers. The focus of the REU Site is on the design, analysis and evaluation of innovative computing and networking technologies for future drone swarm applications and services. To be specific, research activities will be conducted in three focus areas, notably dynamic network management, network protocol design, and operationalizing AI/machine learning for drone swarms. Each year eight undergraduate students will participate in a ten-week summer REU program to perform networking research for drone swarms under the guidance of research mentors with rich experiences in AI/machine learning and drone swarms. This REU site is expected to foster workforce knowledge and skills about developing new computing and networking technologies for future drone swarm applications and services. This site is supported by the Department of Defense ASSURE program in partnership with the NSF REU program.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Pilot Acceptance of Personal, Wearable Fatigue Monitoring Technology: An Application of the Extended Technology Acceptance Model

    PI Rachelle Strong

    CO-I Dahai Liu

    The research problem of pilot fatigue has been referenced as a causal factor for aircraft accidents in many United States National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) accident reports; however, the United States Code of Federal Regulations 14 CFR Part 117, Flight and Duty Limitations and Rest Requirements for Flight Crew Members, does not provide a tangible means of measuring fatigue for aircraft crew members. This problem is relevant to the airline industry and the travelling public because pilot fatigue is preventable as a causal factor in aviation accidents, and pilots need an accurate way to measure it. Adoption of a technology-based solution has been recommended by the NTSB.

    The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect United States certified airline transport pilots’ behavioral intention to use personal, wearable fatigue monitoring technology (FMT), such as a Fitbit or Apple Watch, to assess their personal fatigue levels. FMT could potentially be used to help meet pilots’ legal requirement to be aware of their personal fatigue levels, per 14 CFR Part 117. The theoretical framework for this study is the Extended Technology Acceptance Model, and the research question is: What factors affect pilots’ behavioral intention to use personal, wearable fatigue monitoring technology, and to what degree? There were ten hypotheses tested that corresponded to different relationships in the model.

    The data for this study was collected using an online survey distributed to certified airline transport pilots in the United States, in which the survey questions corresponded to observed variables pertaining to each of the eight factor constructs in the model. The data was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques to test the hypotheses. The results of the study contributed to the theoretical body of knowledge by demonstrating that a modified version of the Extended Technology Acceptance Model was applicable to U.S. airline transport pilot behavioral intention to use FMT. Six of the ten original hypotheses were supported, and four were not supported.

    It was determined that the primary factors that positively affect a pilot’s behavioral intention to use FMT are perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Perceived usefulness is positively affected by the external factors of job relevance, results demonstrability, and perceived image or social status, which act as secondary factors positively influencing behavioral intention to use FMT. A tertiary factor influencing behavioral intention to use FMT is subjective norms, which positively influence perceived image, thus positively affecting perceived usefulness and intention to use FMT. Output quality, subjective norms, and perceived ease of use were determined to not have a statistically significant effect on pilots’ perceived usefulness of FMT, and subjective norms were determined not to have a statistically significant effect on pilots’ behavioral intention to use FMT.

    The practical significance of this study is that pilots find FMT devices most useful when it is applicable to their jobs, provides tangible results, and increases their social status perception. It is beneficial if others around them think they should use FMT, and that if they use FMT, their social status perception increases. Practical solutions to increase the likelihood of pilot FMT device usage should include wearable device applications that provide features that directly apply to the pilot profession, report data in ways that make sense to pilots, and also make the pilot look and feel stylish. Nearly 87 percent of pilots already wear a watch while flying, and over 40 percent of pilots already wear some form of FMT for personal use, so the challenge going forward is to make the right improvements to the devices to increase usage. Such improvements may include new aviation-themed applications that appeal to pilots and provide results that can help them make more informed decisions, while simultaneously improving the aesthetic to drive an increase in social pressures to wear the FMT devices regularly.

    Categories: Graduate

  • Mixing of a supercritical jet in a supercritical cross-flow

    PI Neil Sullivan

    CO-I Mark Ricklick

    This project is focused on the exploration and validation of numerical modeling techniques, for the simulation of supercritical jets in crossflow. 

    ​The injection of fuels and oxidizers into combustion chambers is often performed at near-critical or supercritical (SC) temperatures and pressures. At the critical point, the surface tension and enthalpy of vaporization of a fluid approach zero. This means there is no droplet formation in a jet, and also no density change between phases. The fluid has in effect only one supercritical phase, and has both liquid-like and gas-like properties. Physical and thermodynamic properties of the fluid have large gradients near the critical point, and this has led to complications in numerical simulation of even simple flow phenomena at this condition.

    It is desired to simulate the mixing and subsequent combustion of certain supercritical fluids for application to the design of SC-CO combustion power generation. SC methane and oxygen will be burned in an atmosphere of SC carbon dioxide, allowing highly efficient power extraction using smaller turbomachinery than in traditional Brayton or Rankine cycles. The study of SC methane jets also has applications to liquid rocket propellant injection and jet impingement rocket nozzle cooling.

    Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) numerical studies are conducted to investigate the diffusion-driven mixing of one or more species in a SC jet, with another species in a SC cross-flow. Real-gas effects will be captured using the Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state. Benchmarking is performed against previous experimental and LES studies performed on near-critical and SC jets in quiescent fluids. The commercial code STAR-CCM+ is used for the simulation.

    Improved prediction of jet behavior at near-critical and SC pressures and temperatures will better inform combustor design, combustion efficiency and thermodynamic efficiency.

    Ideal gas axisymmetric simulation of a sub-critical nitrogen jet

    Categories: Graduate

  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Application to Support Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF)

    PI Brent Terwilliger

    CO-I David Ison

    CO-I Dennis Vincenzi

    CO-I Dahai Liu

    This continuing research project features refinement of UAS application methods to support of ARFF responses. Previously, modeling and simulation, in combination with UAS attribute performance models, was implemented to better understand challenges, limitations, and potential benefits of UAS support. However, based on the findings and recommendations of the original inquiry, the research will be expanded to include examination of operator knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), performance rating standards, and appropriate training requirements and delivery approaches.

    Our team of researchers from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide has been actively compiling published performance data associated with commercially-off-the-shelf (COTS) group 1 to 3 fixed-wing and vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in an effort to develop statistical models of each category. The captured data, which includes maximum speed, cruise speed, endurance, weights, wind limitations, and costs, is used to calculate capabilities including range (one-way and return), time to objective, station keeping duration, and maneuver requirements. The benefit from assembling such a unified collection of information and the calculation of associated derived capabilities is that these models are anticipated to accurately reflect the capabilities, limitations, and considerations necessary in the assessment of such platforms for various applications and operating environments. These models will be available for combination with simulation or analysis frameworks to better assess end usability of these categories of aircraft for a significant number of applications including, emergency response, disaster relief, precision agriculture, security, tactical, communications, environmental study, infrastructure inspection, cargo delivery, and mapping/surveying.


    Terwilliger, B., Vincenzi, D., Ison, D., & Smith, T. (2015). Assessment of unmanned aircraft platform performance using modeling and simulation (paper no. 15006). In Volume 2015: Proceedings of the 2015 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC). Arlington, VA: National Training and Simulation Association.

    Terwilliger, B., Vincenzi, D., Ison, D., Herron, R., & Smith, T. (2015). UAS capabilities and performance modeling for application analysis.  In Proceedings of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International 42nd Annual Symposium. Arlington, VA: Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International.

    Ison, D., Terwilliger, B., Vincenzi, D., & Kleinke, S. (2015). Airport bird activity - monitoring and mitigation: The unmanned aerial system (UAS) approach.Presented at the 2015 North American Bird Strike Conference, Montreal, QC.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • The Effects of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Command and Control Latency during Within-Visual-Range Air-To-Air Combat

    PI David Thirtyacre

    CO-I David Cross

    The type of military missions conducted by remotely piloted aircraft continues to expand into all facets of operations including air-to-air combat. While future within-visual-range air-to-air combat will be piloted by artificial intelligence, remotely piloted aircraft will likely first see combat. The purpose of this study was to quantify the effect of latency on one-versus-one, within-visual-range air-to-air combat success during both high-speed and low-speed engagements. The research employed a repeated-measures experimental design to test the various hypothesis associated with command and control latency. Participants experienced in air-to-air combat were subjected to various latency inputs during one-versus-one simulated combat using a virtual-reality simulator and scored on the combat success of each engagement. This research was pursued in coordination with the Air Force Research Laboratory and the United States Air Force Warfare Center.

    The dependent variable, combat score, was derived through post-simulation analysis and scored for each engagement. The independent variables included the input control latency (time) and the starting velocity of the engagement (high-speed and low-speed). The input latency included six different delays (0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, and 1.25 seconds) between pilot input and simulator response. Each latency was repeated for a high-speed and low-speed engagement. A two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference in means between the various treatments on combat success and determine if there was an interaction between latency and fight speed.

    The results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference between combat success at the various latency levels and engagement velocity. There was a significant interaction effect between latency and engagement speed, indicating that the outcome was dependent on both variables. As the latency increased, a significant decrease in combat success occurred, decreasing from .539 with no latency, to .133 at 1.250 seconds of latency during high-speed combat. During low-speed combat, the combat success decreased from .659 with no latency, to .189 at 1.250 seconds of latency. The largest incremental decrease occurred between 1.00 and 1.25 seconds of latency for high-speed and between 0.75 and 1.00 at low-speed. The overall decrease in combat success during a high-speed engagement was less than during the low-speed engagements.

    The results of this study quantified the decrease in combat success during within-visual range air-to-air combat and concluded that, when latency is encountered, a high-speed (two-circle) engagement is desired to minimize adverse latency effects. The research informs aircraft and communication designers of the decrease in expected combat success caused by latency. This simulation configuration can be utilized for future research leading to methods and tactics to decrease the effects of latency.

    Categories: Graduate

  • A Curriculum Wide Software Development Case Study

    PI Massood Towhidnejad

    CO-I Thomas Hilburn

    This NSF funded research develops case studies of software development for use in software engineering and computing instruction.

    Products include realistic projects, complete artifacts throughout the software development life cycle, case studies decoupled from a particular textbook, and case modules designed with varying complexity allowing for use in multiple classes throughout undergraduate and graduate curricula. 

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Encouraging Students to Pursue an Engineering Education and Career

    PI Massood Towhidnejad

    This NSF-sponsored project provides scholarship for engineering students pursuing degrees in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and software engineering.

    Working closely with faculty and student mentors, scholarship recipients are involved in multi-disciplinary projects involving unmanned and autonomous systems throughout their four years of undergraduate study.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • From Middle School to Industry Vertical Integration to Inspire Interest in Computational Thinking

    PI Massood Towhidnejad

    CO-I Thomas Hilburn

    While students typically do not see immediate advantages of the topics being studies, top down integration exposes students to larger, more complex projects, giving them better appreciation for topics as they realize the “big picture.”

    Funded by the National Science Foundation, this research seeks to vertically integrate software development best practices from industry to graduate, undergraduate, high school, and middle school academic programs, with the intention of increasing student interest in computing and computational thinking.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Pilot’s Willingness to Operate in Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Airspace

    PI Lakshmi Vempati

    PI Scott Winter

    The interest in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) use for private, civil, and commercial purposes such as package delivery, inspection, surveillance, and passenger and cargo transport has gained considerable momentum. As UAS infiltrate the National Airspace System (NAS), there is a need to not only develop viable, safe, and secure solutions for the co-existence of manned and unmanned aircraft, but also determine public acceptance and pilot’s willingness to operate an aircraft in such an integrated environment. Currently there is little or no research on pilot’s perceptions on their willingness to operate an aircraft in UAS integrated airspace and airports.

    The purpose of this study was to determine what effect the type of UAS integration, the type of UAS operations, and the airspace classification will have on pilot’s perspectives and willingness to operate an aircraft in UAS integrated airspace and airport environment. This study surveyed the eligible pilot population in hypothetical scenarios using convenience sampling to measure their willingness to operate an aircraft in UAS integrated airspace and airports using the Willingness to Pilot an Aircraft Scale, which has been shown to be valid and reliable by Rice, Winter, Capps, Trombley, Robbins, and Milner (2020). A mixed factorial design was used to study the interaction effects between the independent variables and the effects on the dependent variable, i.e., willingness to pilot an aircraft.

    The results of the mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated a significant interaction between type of UAS integration and airspace classification. Overall willingness decreased with airspace and differences in willingness to pilot an aircraft were based on segregated and integrated operations. The average pilot’s willingness to pilot an aircraft score differed from the highest score being for Class B, decreasing with decreasing airspace classes, with the lowest being for Class G.

    Analysis of pilot perspectives collected through open ended questions using text-mining techniques showed agreement with mixed ANOVA analysis that the primary factor in the pilot’s perception was airspace. Key concerns voiced by the pilots were situation awareness, risk and safety of operations, aircraft certification and airworthiness, and operator experience and regulatory conformance. The most positive sentiment was observed among pilots presented with the hypothetical scenario of fully autonomous UAS operations in a segregated environment. Findings from the study could aid regulators in developing better policies, procedures, integration solutions, improved training, and knowledge sharing.

    Categories: Graduate

  • Developing Artifact Peer Review Assignment Methodologies to Maximize the Value of Peer Review for Students

    PI Matthew Verleger

    This engineering education research project seeks to develop a proof-of-concept peer review matching algorithm and demonstrate if it is a valuable and viable methodology for conducting peer review. Peer review is a proven method that has positive impact on student learning. The project will test the algorithm on Model Eliciting Activities in the engineering classroom, and investigate how changing peer review can affect student learning.

    The broader significance and importance of this project is the transformative potential of improving peer review processes, since peer review is used throughout STEM and medical fields. Thus this preliminary investigation can extend outside the realm of improving student learning. This project overlaps with NSF's strategic goals of transforming the frontiers through preparation of an engineering workforce with new capabilities and expertise. Additionally NSF's goal of innovating for society is enabled by supporting the development of innovative learning systems.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

181-190 of 238 results