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221-230 of 238 results

  • Analyticity and kernel stabilization of unbounded derivations on C*-algebras

    We first show that a derivation studied recently by E. Christensen has a set of analytic elements which is strong operator topology-dense in the algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space, which strengthens a result of Christensen. Our second main result shows that this derivation has kernel stabilization, that is, no elements have derivative eventually equal to 0 unless their first derivative is 0. As applications, we (1) show that a family of derivations on C*-algebras studied by Bratteli and Robinson has kernel stabilization, and (2) we provide sufficient conditions for when two operators which satisfy the Heisenberg Commutation Relation must both be unbounded.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Simulation Based Inquiry Oriented Linear Algebra

    CO-I Ashish Amresh

    Games that teach introductory concepts in linear algebra such as vectors, span and dependence are created to be used by instructors in an undergraduate class.

    ​A well-established National workforce need and critical challenge is to recruit and train students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Since mathematics is a fundamental part of all STEM disciplines, success of undergraduate students in mathematics is a crucial ingredient to address this challenge. Linear algebra is a vital transition course for students in the STEM disciplines because of its unifying power within mathematics and its applicability to areas outside of mathematics. Accordingly, effective instruction at this stage in students' development is paramount. The focus of this project will be to improve teaching, learning, and student success in linear algebra by incorporating a blending of technology and several learning theories and applications to lead to new research results and production of curriculum resources. This project will leverage the investigators' previous research and curriculum development in Inquiry-Oriented Linear Algebra (IOLA) and expertise in Technology Based Learning to explore the unification of curriculum design and technology design theories and practices.

    The goals of the project are to: (1) create a digital platform that will equip students with a virtual experience of a version of the IOLA curriculum; (2) document the affordances and constraints for learning using a game platform (IOLA-G) in comparison to face-to-face instruction by experienced IOLA instructors; (3) compare different digital gaming formats to determine which are most conducive to inquiry-oriented learning; and (4) use the knowledge gained from (1), (2), and (3) to improve student learning through the developed technology, and, reflexively, to enhance the existing IOLA curriculum and teacher support resources. The project team will investigate students' mathematical activity and learning while the students are engaged with the digital platform and will use this insight to inform further refinement of design. Building on prior research efforts in the learning and teaching of linear algebra and expertise in Game Based Learning (GBL), the team will design IOLA-G to mimic the problem-centered approach of the existing IOLA curriculum and will iteratively refine this platform through teaching experiments with students throughout the project. The project also will explore the extent to which GBL can provide a dynamic approach to addressing the constraints that larger class sizes place on instructors' implementation of inquiry-oriented curricula. In addition to, and as part of the process of, creating the resource technology, the investigators will incorporate a mixed methods approach with a blending of game-based learning design, curriculum design theory, and research from inquiry-based learning to explore the following research questions: What are the mathematical practices that students engage in and the conceptual understandings students develop using IOLA-G compared to when using only the face-to-face IOLA curriculum? What are the affordances and constraints of different game environments in terms of enacting an inquiry-oriented curriculum? The impact of the project will include the positive effects on STEM discipline student learning, knowledge, abilities, and overall success, which will lead to strengthening United States workforce needs in STEM areas.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Large Amplitude Electromagnetic Waves in the Radiation Belt

    CO-I Miles Bengtson

    CO-I Anatoly Streltsov

    When the first American satellite, Explorer I, was launched into space it inadvertently discovered one of the most significant features of our local space environment: the Van Allen Radiation Belts.  This region contains highly energetic particles that are hazardous.  This research involves one promising remediation mechanism based on interactions between these particles and very-low frequency electromagnetic waves known as whistlers.

    The Van Allen Radiation Belt is a region in the near-Earth space populated with high-energy, electrically charged particles. Because of their very high energy, these particles present a significant threat to low-Earth orbiting satellites, the International Space Station, and its human crew. The radiation damage to satellite electronics increases when the amount of energetic particles in the radiation belt increases by a factor of 10 or 100 due to the plasma eruptions on the Sun or the high-altitude nuclear explosions. Results from high-altitude nuclear tests produced in 1968 combined with modern computer simulations demonstrate that even a relatively "modest" nuclear explosion (equivalent to a few tenths of kilotons in TNT) in the upper atmosphere can reduce the lifetime of many very important and expensive commercial, military, intelligence, and communication satellites from years to months. Therefore, it is a matter of national security to develop a solid understanding of the basic physics of remediation of energetic particles from the space. One possible way to achieve this goal is to use large amplitude electromagnetic waves. They can efficiently interact with energetic particles and precipitate them from the magnetosphere into the atmosphere. We will study the observations of large-amplitude whistlers detected by the Van Allen Probes satellites in the radiation belt. We also will model these waves with comprehensive numerical models and compare the numerical results with the observed wave dynamics in the magnetosphere. The results from this project are very important for future experiments including launching waves into the radiation belt from ground antennas (like HAARP and Arecibo) or from space platforms.

    Categories: Undergraduate

  • The S-Band Array for Bistatic Electromagnetic Ranging (SABER)

    CO-I Brian Butka

    Faculty in the Electrical, Computer, Software, and Systems Engineering Department at Embry-Riddle are developing new radar that may alter the paradigm of locating aircraft.

    Unlike standard radars that generate high-power radio pulses and listen for the return echoes indicating aircraft, the SABER system has no transmitter of its own. Instead, the researchers use weak echoes of signals from existing satellites high above the Earth to locate their quarry.Passive radars exploiting environmental signals are not uncommon and systems using television and radio stations have been known for more than a decade; however, systems using satellites are unique. Satellite signals are much weaker than ground-based signals, and are often considered too weak to be useful. The key, says Barott, is in the signal processing, which is able to identify the very weak echoes - and thus the aircraft - among the sea of radio noise and interfering signals.

    Passive radars exploiting environmental signals are not uncommon and systems using television and radio stations have been known for more than a decade; however, systems using satellites are unique. Satellite signals are much weaker than ground-based signals, and are often considered too weak to be useful. The key, says Barott, is in the signal processing, which is able to identify the very weak echoes - and thus the aircraft - among the sea of radio noise and interfering signals.The researchers envision many applications for passive radars using satellite-based signals. To start with, a network of inexpensive stations could supplement existing systems for tracking low-altitude aircraft, and provide coverage in mountainous regions where little radar coverage currently exists. “It's a similar idea to why you might get satellite television,” says Barott. “Remote locations and rough terrain might block ground-based signals, but are no problem for satellites sending their signals down from orbit.” Other applications include rapid deployment radars and approach radars for remote airfields. The researchers also note potential applications utilizing the covert and stealth-detecting aspects of this type of radar

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Integration of the Emerging Space Ecosystem into the National Airspace System (NAS): Simulation and Analysis of Impacts and Solutions, NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium

    CO-I Maxwell Cannon

    CO-I Noah Eudy

    Currently, there is limited, but ongoing, simulation research on the integration of space operations into the NAS that focuses on impacts to other constituents and in finding solutions (cf, Tinoco, et al., 2019; Colvin & Alonso, 2015). Particularly, academic research based on modeling and simulation is quite minimal.  Thus, the first objective of this research was to continue our current efforts and develop additional simulation models to analyze the potential impacts of launch and re-entry activities on key NAS stakeholder operations, particularly those of airlines, but also general aviation. NASA KSC/Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) clearly play a critical role in both the state of Florida and in our nation’s space ecosystem. As such, our area of interest was defined as Cape Canaveral, Florida.  We built on our previous simulation research that centered on horizonal take-off and landing of Concept Z reusable launch vehicles (RLV) at Cecil Air and Space Port in Jacksonville, FL (cf, Tinoco et al (2019); Tinoco et al, pending) and our understanding of air traffic routes on the heavily traveled Eastern Seaboard. 

    Particularly in the United States (U.S.), the number of spaceports is growing as both public and private entities are examining commercialized space transportation as a means of revenue and economic growth. Conversely, stakeholders that lie outside the space industry, such as those in our nation’s aviation sector, view space transportation with caution, concerned about the negative effects on their own operations as space launch and return activities become the norm rather than the exception. These non-space stakeholders will directly and indirectly impact the pace and development of the U.S. space economy. Thus, safe, equitable, efficient and effective integration of space activities into the NAS is critical to all stakeholders, influencing the realized economic and non-economic benefits that these stakeholders aspire. Clearly, the new space economy will ultimately profit us all as a nation. However, this new path of growth must be examined through multiple lenses in order to achieve maximum benefit for everyone. As such, our target audience includes all stakeholders that are impacted by or can impact airspace closures due to space activities whether they be the launch providers, airlines, NASA, the US Air Force, the FAA, general aviation, policy makers, communities, and general public.

    Currently, there is limited, but ongoing, simulation research on the integration of space operations into the NAS that focuses on impacts to other constituents and in finding solutions (cf, Tinoco, et al., 2019; Colvin & Alonso, 2015). Particularly, academic research based on modeling and simulation is quite minimal.  Thus, the first objective of this research was to continue our current efforts and develop additional simulation models to analyze the potential impacts of launch and re-entry activities on key NAS stakeholder operations, particularly those of airlines, but also general aviation. NASA KSC/Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) clearly play a critical role in both the state of Florida and in our nation’s space ecosystem. As such, our area of interest was defined as Cape Canaveral, Florida.  We built on our previous simulation research that centered on horizonal take-off and landing of Concept Z reusable launch vehicles (RLV) at Cecil Air and Space Port in Jacksonville, FL (cf, Tinoco et al (2019); Tinoco et al, pending) and our understanding of air traffic routes on the heavily traveled Eastern Seaboard.

    In order to meet the first objective, the student researchers specifically targeted the following questions with respect to Cape Canaveral space activities:

    1) What are the most common airspace closures

    2) What times are they closed and for how long?

    3) What number of planes fly through this airspace during the time and space of closure?

    4) What type of air traffic is impacted (commercial, general aviation)?

    The second objective was to work on finding solutions that are generalizable across the NAS, irrespective of spaceport location. For this objective, the researchers asked:

    1) What are the rerouting options? 

    2) What are the impacts if we vary time of day and size of closure window?

    3) What other solutions are available?

    For this research effort, we focused on vertical launches using Falcon 9 airspace closure data from 2019, as well as horizontal landings of the Space Shuttle at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF)[1] using historical shuttle airspace closure data.  For the latter, we chose to examine horizontal arrival operations as the LLF prepares to accept landings of the Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser, following proper site operator licensing for Space Florida. We also considered the landing of the X-37B.

    For our simulation software, we used NASA Future Air Traffic Management (ATM) Concepts Evaluation Tool (FACET) version 19.0 with NAS (National Airspace System) Constraint Evaluation and Notification Tool (NASCENT) version 19.03.  The first phase included understanding the baseline model, representing the existing NAS conditions without space launch/landing operations at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Our database was that of real air traffic on March 30, 2016 (a “no launch” date) provided by NASA AMES for use with FACET. In the second phase, closed airspace, defined by historic NOTAMs, allowed us to identify how many and what type of air traffic would be impacted by the temporary flight restrictions (TFRs) in terms of time and space during launch/landing activities.

    [1] Also referred to as the Launch Landing Facility (LLF), operated and managed by Space Florida.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Project Courier

    CO-I Greg Diehl

    CO-I John Robbins

    Project Courier is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) delivery service that would operate across the ERAU campus aimed at allowing for quick delivery of documents, packages, and potentially food. 

    Logistically, the design of the project is relatively simple. A modified UAV will fly from one delivery point to another based on a preset flight path. The delivery points will be either structures in outdoor locations or open spots for personal pickup such as in front of the Student Village or in front of the College of Arts and Sciences.  At each drop off zone there will either have to be a storage container for the payload or a user present to collect the deliverables; either way the focus of this project is so that students and staff could be able to access other university services via this delivery with ease. When a UAV runs low on battery, programming will be in place that will return the UAV to a dedicated charging hub allowing for, hopefully, a closed and automated system.

    Despite the simplification above of the team’s goals, the work involved will be complex and multidisciplinary. We will involve skills in the field of programming, CATIA, structural engineering, aeronautical engineering, human resources, aeronautical law, logistics, and leadership. This calls for a team composed of everything Embry-Riddle does and because of our parallel goal of catalyzing individuals anyone will be able to join. 

    Categories: Undergraduate

  • Neuromuscular-Activated Armband for Safety Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems

    CO-I Eduardo Divo

    CO-I Victor Huayamave

    CO-I Jeremy Brown

    The goal of this research is to implement wearable technology using neuromuscular activation and electrocardiograms signals to successfully operate small UAS using safety parameters proposed by the FAA.

    In recent years, wearable technology using gesture recognition has gained increasing attention in the field of human-machine interaction. One technology proposes the use of myoelectric controllers to collect electromyography (EMG) signals from user’s neuromuscular activation as inputs. Available commercial devices have accomplished gesture control by detecting motion and muscle activation in different groups of skeletal muscle. In addition to wearable technologies, the use of small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) has seen an increase in popularity. The popularity and affordability of small UAS has also increased the number of new and inexperienced hobbyists and many are concerned that this will lead to the unsafe use of these vehicles. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has proposed a new set of regulations for commercial small UAS. However, few manufacturers have implemented safety features to their UAS. Therefore, we propose to engage in a research project where wearable technology using neuromuscular activation and electrocardiograms signals can be implemented to successfully operate small UAS using safety parameters proposed by the FAA. Our hypothesis is that we can measure abnormal spikes in heart rate and then establish these spikes as a threshold for safety of the UAS user.  Then unexpected spikes in heart rate can be detected and transmitted to an armband.  Using these thresholds, we can change the trajectory of the UAS to avoid collisions with the user.

    Categories: Undergraduate


    CO-I William Engblom

    CO-I J. Gordon Leishman

    This project is sponsored by the Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) fellowship program to support six to 10 Ph.D. students of high ability and financial need in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

    This project is sponsored by the Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) fellowship program to support six to 10 Ph.D. students of high ability and financial need in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The purpose of the program is to enhance and diversify the pool of U.S. citizens who are qualified to teach and pursue research careers in the field of aerospace engineering.

    Embry-Riddle's Aerospace Engineering Department is among the top aerospace engineering programs in the nation. It is currently ranked 32nd for its graduate programs and 8th for its undergraduate program by U.S. News and World Report. The department currently has 34 faculty comprised of distinguished researchers and teachers in the fields of aerodynamics and propulsion, dynamics and control, as well as structures and materials.

    GAANN Fellows will participate in a formal training/teaching program, which will allow them to learn, observe experienced teachers and gain hands-on experience in teaching. Fellows will receive instruction on effective teaching techniques and will be evaluated formally on their teaching. A far-reaching recruitment plan will allow Embry-Riddle to identify outstanding and eligible students, especially from traditionally underrepresented groups. Embry-Riddle is contributing matching funds in the form of tuition and fee assistance. 

    If you are interested in being supported as a GAANN Fellow, please contact Dr. Lyrintzis at lyrintzi@erau.edu.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Autonomous Satellite Recovery

    CO-I Devonte Grantham

    CO-I Janet Marnane

    Embry-Riddle Future Space Explorers and Developers (ERFSEDS) will be attending a rocket competition in Utah this coming June, and they will receive extra points for the competition if they have a research project (not built by their club), Inside of their rockets. In collaboration with ERFSEDS, the Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. team would like to send a small satellite attached to a quad-coper as the research project (payload) for ERFSEDS rocket.

    This project consists of building a quad-rotor that can fit in the space constraints of a rocket. This Rocket will reach an altitude of 10,000 to 20,000 ft. The Quadcopters objective will be to collect atmospheric data as it descends. The plan is to create a new chassis for the quad-copters electronic components and arms that will allow the quad copter to fold its arms inwards to meet the required space constraints.  After launching the rocket, the quad copter/satellite will be deployed at the maximum altitude and begin collecting data once jettisoned from the rocket. Once reaching 1,000 feet the quad-copter will be programmed to deploy a parachute. Once it has reached a safe velocity, the engines will engage at around 400 feet (the maximum altitude for any civil autonomous or r/c vehicle) and the quad-copter will be autonomously navigate to a prearranged location. Flight planning will be done using the open source application Mission Planner. In addition to the critical components of the quad-copter, our design will integrate a number of other data by collecting sub-systems currently being used in the weather balloon project designed by the Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. team. These sensors will be able to collect pressure, temperature, humidity, wind and video. This project will provide it’s user with a better understanding of rocket propulsion system, UAVs in high altitude/velocity, and the effect of launch on the payload. The A.S.R.V will also drastically improve the data retrieval process, because it will bring the data directly to the user so the user does not have to search for it. 

    Categories: Undergraduate

  • From degree to Chief Information Security Officer (CISO): A framework for consideration

    CO-I Martha Harrell

    Research findings from this study demonstrate a framework in which to examine the required skills of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), with consideration of the relationship between the (a) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), (b) Chief Finance Officer (CFO), (c) Chief Information Officer (CIO), (d) Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), (e) Chief Risk Officer (CRO), and (f) Chief Security Officer (CSO) within the Information Security and Assurance field and the needs of both industry and academia. Participants were asked to complete a 10-15 minute survey conducted between various CISOs and academicians. 

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

221-230 of 238 results