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Shielded UAS Operations Detect and Avoid

PI Hever Moncayo

​This effort is intended to identify risks and recommend solutions to the FAA that enable shielded UAS operations

​This project is funded under the FAA ASSURE program. Certain small UAS (sUAS) Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations, such as structural inspection, may be in close proximity to structures that are collision hazards for manned aircraft. These types of operations that are in close proximity to manned aviation flight obstacles such that they provide significant protection from conflicts and collisions with manned aircraft are termed “shielded” operations. This effort is intended to identify risks and recommend solutions to the FAA that enable shielded UAS operations. Several topics related to this project include simulation of dynamic systems, simulation environment programming, guidance, control and dynamics, and hardware implementation.

Research Dates

01/01/2021 to 08/01/2023


  • Hever Moncayo
    Aerospace Engineering Department
    Ph.D., West Virginia University

Categories: Faculty-Staff