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61-70 of 189 results

  • Self-Sustained Flow-Acoustic Interactions in Airfoil Transitional Boundary Layers

    PI Vladimir Golubev

    CO-I Reda Mankbadi

    This work carries out collaborative theoretical, experimental and numerical investigations of flow-acoustic resonant interactions in transitional airfoils which are responsible for sudden appearance of prominent acoustic tones and unsteady aerodynamic fluctuations in low-Reynolds-number airfoils.

    The experimental part of the efforts is implemented in France at anechoic wind tunnel facility of Ecole Centrale de Lyon, while numerical and theoretical studies are conducted at Embry-Riddle using DOD HPC facilities. The project involves several PhD and MSAE students both in U.S. and France.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Synthetic Jet-Based Robust MAV Flight Controller

    PI Vladimir Golubev

    This project conducts theoretical and high-fidelity numerical analyses of UAV robust flight controller employing synthetic-jet actuators (SJAs). The technology-demonstration feasibility study focuses on SJA-based suppression of gust-induced airfoil flutter.

    It joins AE and Engineering Physics faculty and students (including undergraduate) in preparation for Phase 2 effort that will include experimental validation and further development and commercialization of the novel flight control technology

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Wake Vortex Safety Analysis in the Context of UAS Integration in the NAS

    PI Vladimir Golubev

    ​This project is a collaboration with several research organizations under the supervision of FAA. The focus  of the current research efforts is on developing and employing variable-fidelity prediction approaches to examine safety implications of the future integration of variable-size UAS systems in the National Aerospace System (UAS). 

    In particular, variable-fidelity prediction methods to accurately resolve all aspects of aircraft wake generation, evolution, interaction and control are developed. The results of this research will be incorporated in the FAA Integrated Safety Assessment Model developed for analysis of risk implications of UAS operations in the terminal zones and beyond.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Comparison of Grades Based on Learning Mode: How Learning Environment Impacts Grades

    PI John Griffith

    CO-I Donna Roberts

    CO-I Beverly Wood

    A comparison of failure rates and grade distribution will be conducted between four learning disciplines utilized by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide: Eagle Vision Classroom (synchronous classroom to classroom), Eagle Vision Home (synchronous home to home), Online and traditional classroom learning environments. Researchers will examine approximately 20,000 Embry-Riddle end-of-course student grades from the 2015-2016 academic year. The study will determine if significant relationships between failing grades and learning environment (modes) exist between the English, Humanities, Economics and Mathematics disciplines. Due to the continued technological advancements in course delivery, recommendations from previous studies in this area include continued research on the relationship of student performance and learning mode.

    Universities are offering a greater number of courses over the Internet in a synchronous mode of instruction, utilizing headsets and webcams along with traditional classroom and online instruction (Foreman & Jenkins, 2005). In light of this continuing shift, this student replicates Dunn's (2013) earlier work, at least in concept, by examining the relationship between learning mode and student performance through analysis of approximately 20,000 student grades.

    Embry-Riddle student course grades will be mined from the Campus Solutions database through the ERNIE Dashboard Portal. Data in the form of end of course grades (n=approximately 20,000) for the academic year 2015-2016 will be examined to test the hypotheses. No individual student identification will be obtained, used or reported in this study. Atypical grades including withdraws, incompletes or individual tutorials, will be excluded from the analysis. The researchers plan to use Chi Square tests at the appropriate degrees of freedom (α=.05) to evaluate the data (Gay, Mills, & Airasian, 2006). Four tests will be run for each course discipline (Economics, English, Humanities and Mathematics). The first two tests will evaluate the hypothesis regarding equivalency of failures for all modes of instruction. The first statistical test will compare the number of students who passed versus the number who failed for all modes (EV Home, EV Classroom, On-line and Classroom) of learning. A second statistical test will be conducted comparing just two modes at a time using a 2X2 contingency table to determine if modes and grades are related. Additional tests will be run to evaluate the hypothesis regarding equivalent grade distribution across the learning modes for each discipline. The third test will compare all the modes for each discipline to determine if learning mode and grades are related. The fourth test will allow researchers to compare two modes at a time using a 2X2 contingency table to determine if modes and grades are related.


    Dunn, L. (2013). A study to compare and contrast student grades and satisfaction levels of traditional classroom and distance learning environments at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide Campus. (Unpublished master's degree Graduate Capstone Project). Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Worldwide Campus, Daytona Beach, FL.

    Foreman, J., & Jenkins, R. (20015). Full-featured web conferencing systems. Innovate 1 (4) Retrieved from https://courseware.e-education.psu.edu/resources/Article_FullFeaturedWebConferencingSystems.pdf

    Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. W. (2006). Educational Research: Competencies for analysis and applications. (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

    Griffith, J. C., Roberts, D. L., & Schultz, M. C. (2014). Relationship between grades and modes of learning. The Journal of American Business Review, Cambridge, 3(1), 81-88.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • A Tale of Two Airlines: A Comparative Case Study of High-Road versus Low-Road Strategies in Customer Service and Reputation Management

    PI John Griffith

    CO-I Donna Roberts

    This proposal represents an in-depth comparative case study highlighting the differences in marketing strategies, employee relations and customer (internal and external) service models between American low cost carrier Southwest Airlines and European low cost carrier Ryanair. Analysis will focus on the differing brand personalities of the two airlines, particularly with regard to customer service and its relationship to customer satisfaction and overall corporate success from the early days of these organizations through 2013.

    Using a qualitative toll, the differing business strategies will be examined with regard to their adherence or non-adherence to basic business principles as well as theories of psychology and consumer behavior. The researchers will attempt to identify underlying variables and principles that influence the diverging outcomes for these two airlines, paying particular attention to areas that are counter-intuitive and/or challenge some of the widely accepted business practices and ideologies.

    The insights gained from this analysis will provide a greater understanding of both the psychology of the air travel consumer and the relative effectiveness of differing marketing models and promotional practices. Based on its exploratory and analytic nature, this study may have possible implications for stakeholders at both the micro and macro levels, including the customers (both internal and external), the specific airlines studied as well as the wider airline industry, and other industries concerned with similar aspects of consumer behavior.


    Anderson, R.E. (1973). Consumer dissatisfaction: The effect of disconfirmed expectancy on product performance, Journal of Marketing Research, 10, pp. 38-44

    Druckman, D. (2005). Doing research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

    Eckstein, H. (1975). Case studies and theory in Fred Greenstein and Nelson Polsby, eds., Handbook of political science, Vol. 7, pp.79-138. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley

    Helson, H. (1964). Adaptation-level theory. New York, NY: Harper & Row.

    Lijphart, A. (1971). Comparative politics and the comparative method. American Political Science Review, 65, (3), pp. 682-693.

    Reimer A. & Kuehn R. (2005). The impact of servicescape on quality perception. European Journal of Marketing, 39 (7/8), pp. 785-808. doi: 10.1108/03090560510601761.

    Yin, R. K. (2014). Case study research: Design and methods, 5th ed. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

    Yuksel, A., & Yuksel, F. (2001). The expectancy-disconfirmation paradigm: A critique. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Resarch, 25 (2), pp. 107-131. doi: 10.1177/109634800102500201

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • 2NextGen Task Q: Implementation of NextGen Air Traffic Management system. Airborne Execution of Flow Strategies (AEFS). Modeling, Simulation and Data Analysis

    PI Vitaly Guzhva

    We work with Metron Aviation, Lockheed Martin, Mosaic ATM and CSSI in development of AEFS concept, designing Modeling and Simulation, collecting data and conducting sensitivity and statistical analyses for concept evaluation.

    Airborne Execution of Flow Strategies (AEFS) promotes increased collaboration among National Airspace System (NAS) stakeholders. AEFS recognizes the following current problem: Air Traffic Controllers are aware of the overall air traffic and flight conditions, but lack the capability to collaboratively communicate handling preferences based on flight operators’ business needs, whereas flight operators have limited awareness of Air Traffic Control (ATC) constraints and their potential impacts on flights. By promoting methods to increase collaboration between flight operators and ATC, AEFS targets improvements in Traffic Flow Management (TFM) efficiency, situational awareness among stakeholders, and flexibility in the usage of the NAS.

    The FAA conducted research and development of the AEFS concept at the Florida NextGen Test Bed (FTB) at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) in Daytona FL. The research team from ERAU, Metron Aviation, Lockheed Martin, Mosaic ATM, and CSSI demonstrated the AEFS operational scenarios and corresponding use cases through laboratory demonstration as well as Modeling and Simulation (M&S).

    The research team conducted two M&S demonstrations: one with Future Concept Team (FCT) members as active participants in the demonstration, and second with FAA stakeholders. Airborne/Airborne; Airborne/Pre-departure; Pre-departure/Airborne; and Pre-departure/pre-departure use cases were recorded and demonstrated to the participants including one airborne/airborne use case with Trial Planning functionality. In all of the use cases, DAL flights originally had default priority 5 that was changed to the highest priority 1 for one of the flights about 10 minutes before that flight would cross the freeze horizon. Based on stakeholder feedback received during the first M&S Demonstration, the FAA demonstrated an additional use case for the second demonstration where one of the flights was instead assigned the lowest priority of 10 to observe the results.

    All use cases clearly demonstrated that AEFS would act based on assigned priority reducing sequencing delay for the High Priority Flights (HPF) and increasing it for Low Priority Flights LPF(s). In most cases, more than two flights were involved: a delay from an HPF was distributed among several LPFs, or by increasing delay for an LPF, several higher priority flights were able to decrease their delays. Moreover, the demonstration showed that AEFS successfully altered the arrival sequence based on assigned priorities. Both M&S demonstrations received positive feedback from key stakeholders indicating it was helpful in providing a clearer understanding of the concept.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • NextGen Task J: Implementation of NextGen Air Traffic Management system. Integrated Airport Initiative. Benefit-Cost Analysis of Aircraft Arrival Management Systems (AAMS)

    PI Vitaly Guzhva

    CO-I Ahmed Abdelghany

    The main task was to evaluate AAMS implemented at CLT (with US Airways) and MSP (with Delta Airlines) and quantify its costs and benefits.

    We collected six months of data before AAMS implementation and 6 months of data after the implementation, conducted statistical analysis and delivered the cost benefit analysis to the FAA.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Resolving Physical Conditions of Diffuse Ionized Gas throughout the Milky Way-Magellanic System

    PI Lawrence Haffner

    CO-I Edwin Mierkiewicz

    We use a dedicated, sensitive spectroscopic facility in Chile, the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM), to study the physical conditions of the diffuse ionized gas (DIG) in the Milky Way and Magellanic System.

    WHAM can reveal emission nearly a 100-million times fainter than the Orion Nebula, making it unsurpassed for collecting high-resolution, optical-line spectra from faint, diffuse sources. Here, we embark on a diverse observational program using multiple optical emission lines with this powerful, remotely-controlled, Fabry-Perot instrument to substantially advance our understanding of interstellar matter and processes that shape it. In previous work, we released the first spectral survey of the Galaxy's DIG with observations of the Balmer-alpha optical emission line of hydrogen. This effort, the WHAM Sky Survey (WHAM-SS), complements neutral gas surveys of the 21-cm radio emission line. The WHAM-SS reveals ionized gas that can be seen in every direction from our location inside the Galaxy and offers a comprehensive view of the distribution and dynamics of the Milky Way's ionized gas. Using different instrument configurations, we are now surveying the southern sky in other emission lines, allowing us to measure physical conditions within the same ionized component.

    NSF AST-2009276

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Information Systems (IS) and Information Security & Assurance (ISA) Curriculum Development and Design: A DACUM Approach.

    PI Leila Halawi

    PI Wendi Kappers

    PI Aaron Glassman

    Issues associated with information security are numerous and diverse. Since the majority of organizational actions rely greatly on information and communication technologies, Information Systems (IS) security and Information Security & Assurance (ISA) is now a main concern for firms, governments, institutes, and society as a whole. As a result, a plethora of graduate programs have been created, covering nearly every aspect of IS security. The purpose of this project is to document the findings for using a particularly inventive and extremely efficient technique of job skill analysis known as a DACUM, which stands for “developing a curriculum.” A DACUM begins with an identification of an industry pool that is further reduced to an expert panel, culminating in a daylong workshop to identify new job skill statements and skill needs.

    Due to limited DACUM application within the Information Systems (IS) and Information Security & Assurance (ISA) fields of study, DACUM curriculum development milestones and outcomes experienced during the process will be shared to benefit future industry and academic collaborations with regard to curriculum development. Additionally, within the workshop process, the identification of job skill need versus curriculum assessment and activity inclusion is planned and will be documented to produce an end of process expert field survey that expects to support future IS and ISA course development to best support employment opportunities. Furthermore, a discussion of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and its unique relationship with Microsoft will also be included as a possible model for future university-industry partnerships.

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Implementing Active Learning Techniques in an Undergraduate Aviation Meteorology Course

    PI Daniel Halperin

    PI Joseph Keebler

    CO-I Robert Eicher

    CO-I Thomas Guinn

    CO-I Kim Chambers

    ​Student feedback from end-of-course evaluations repeatedly indicated a desire to change the format of the course by de-emphasizing the PowerPoint-based lectures. The goal of the present study was to determine whether including a set of new active-learning techniques in an Aviation Weather course would result in better student understanding (as measured by exam scores) and make the course more engaging (as measured by end-of-course evaluations). During 2018-19, three instructors implemented five different active-learning techniques into their classes (i.e., the experimental group), while two instructors continued to use the unrevised course materials (i.e., the control group). The new active-learning techniques, described below, included daily quizzes, polling questions, flipped classroom sessions, in-class activities, and assertion-evidence-based lectures. All sections used the same assignments and exams, allowing for direct assessment of the effectiveness of the active-learning techniques. Analyses of Variance (ANOVA) tables were used to determine the statistical significance of the differences in exam scores. Indirect assessments in the form of end-of-course evaluations were also examined. 

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

61-70 of 189 results