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  • Virtual Communities of Practice: Scaling, Belonging, and Effective Feedback

    PI Cristina Cottom

    CO-I Angela Atwell

    CO-I Lisa Martino

    CO-I Sara Ombres

    The purpose of this research study is to extend CTLE-W's previous research on virtual faculty learning communities (VCoP) by testing a new VCoP for scalability with an expanded participation pool. This study also seeks to increase the sense of belonging among non-collocated faculty participants and to use the VCoP to provide continuing education on effective feedback practices.This VCoP and the research study will last for 8 weeks during the fall and spring. As part of the participation in the VCoP faculty will complete several online asynchronous activities using VoiceThread to discuss effective feedback practices, as well as a survey at the beginning and end of their VCoP experience. 

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    Tags: CTLE Faculty_Development worldwide campus

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

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