Embry-Riddle partners with private and public entities to assist in developing solutions to today's and tomorrow's aeronautical and aerospace problems. Here at the world's largest aviation-oriented university, our focus on applied research is unique.
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  • Project Global Officer

    PI Aaron Clevenger

    Project GO provide's overseas language instruction consisting of a minimum of 8 weeks and/or 150 contact hours (per grant program) to ROTC students nationwide with the goal of helping student to reach an ILR 1 proficiency level in a critical language: Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan, and Arabic in Jordan. All students should reach the objective of successfully applying the target language and cultural knowledge in actual communication with native speakers.
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    Tags: ROTC Language Acquisition Study Abroad

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Using Virtual Reality to Identify Cybersecurity Threats for Navy Midshipmen

    PI Andrew Dattel

    CO-I Omar Ochoa

    CO-I Daniel Friedenzohn

    CO-I Trevor Goodwin

    CO-I Harry Brodeen

    This research is investigating the training of U.S. Navy Midshipman enrolled in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) to identify cyber and security threats in a simulated bridge of a Navy vessel. Midshipmen will receive classroom instruction, as well as training in a virtual reality bridge simulator. The knowledge and skills training the midshipmen received is intended to transfer to the applications of midshipmen’s future positions and careers.

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    Tags: XR Lab VR ROTC Cyber Security Simulation

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

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