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Data Mining and PIC (Prepare Industrial Career) Math

PI Hong Liu

PIC Math is sponsored by NSF and MAA to multiple subcontracts. Each subcontractor gets 6000 dollars to make industrial connections and send students to conferences. These industrial math problems are mainly in mathematical modeling and data mining. 

Each Spring a project-based course is offered, and a team of 3- 5 Math majors will be selected to complete a PIC Math project. The PIC math project should have an industrial co-mentor and solve a real-world application problem proposed by the Business, Industry and Government (BIG). Hong Liu and Steve Lehr mentored the project that used data mining to predict student retentions in 2015. The project attracted the interest of the Office of Student Retention and Success. A video and student paper will be sent to the PI at Brigham Young University, Dr. Mike Dorff.

Research Dates

09/01/2014 to 05/31/2016


  • Hong Liu
    Mathematics Department
    Ph.D., University of Arkansas

Tags: college of arts and sciences daytona beach campus mathematics

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