Embry-Riddle partners with private and public entities to assist in developing solutions to today's and tomorrow's aeronautical and aerospace problems. Here at the world's largest aviation-oriented university, our focus on applied research is unique.

Demonstration of an Electrostatic Dust Shield on the Lunar Surface

PI Troy Henderson

This project will demonstrate the capability of an electrostatic dust shield, developed by NASA/KSC engineers, to remove dust from the lens of a camera after impact on the lunar surface.

This project, which is funded by NASA Kennedy Space Center, will demonstrate the capability of an electrostatic dust shield, developed by NASA/KSC engineers, to remove dust from the lens of a camera after impact on the lunar surface. Laboratory tests will confirm the experiment design, followed by a flight to the lunar surface in early 2022


  • Troy Henderson
    Aerospace Engineering Department
    Ph.D., M.S., Texas A & M University

Categories: Faculty-Staff