Embry-Riddle partners with private and public entities to assist in developing solutions to today's and tomorrow's aeronautical and aerospace problems. Here at the world's largest aviation-oriented university, our focus on applied research is unique.

Langrangian Wind Tunnel

ERAU is supporting industry (i.e. Global Aerospace Corp.) in the development of a novel hypersonic wind tunnel by using high-fidelity computational fluid dynamcs.

GAC is leading development of a wind tunnel in which the test article is propelled thru the test section at hypersonic speeds using a novel, proprietary approach.  Due to proprietary restrictions a simplistic version of the test article is illustrated below as it moves Mach 10 from right to left.  Shock waves may be observed reflecting off tunnel walls.  A Phase I Air Force STTR effort has been completed and Phase II is expected to begin in the near future.

Research Dates


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