Magnetically-Driven Ventricular Assist Device
PI Eduardo Divo
The proposed project brings together multi-scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and mock circulatory loop (MCL) benchtop experiments to analyze the hemodynamics of a proposed Magnetically-Driven Ventricular Assist Device (MVAD).
The multi-scale CFD model combines 0D RLC (Resistance-Inductance-Compliance) chambers to simulate the effects of arterial, capillary, and venous beds coupled with a 3DCFD model of the main arterial system where the MVAD will reside. In addition, a benchtop MCL will be calibrated using vascular resistance elements and compliance chambers to validate the multi-scale CFD predictions. The MCL will be driven by a Harvard Apparatus pulsatile pump that simulates the ventricular output and the test-selection centerpiece will be the MVAD prototype. The MCL fluid will be water loaded with magnetically-charged particles (such as ferrous particles embedded in silicon spheres). A dimensional analysis will be carried out by matching fluid dynamics parameters (such as Reynolds and Womersley numbers) between the Multi-Scale CFD and the benchtop MCL. This will allow the numerical and benchtop analyses to be analogous even though they operate on different fluids (blood and water). The results of this study will serve as validation of the hypothesis that a magnetically-driven pump with no moving parts can serve to assist in the cardiovascular circulation and thus reduce the risks associated with mechanical assist devices such as thrombus formation and stagnation.
Research Dates
07/01/2016 to 06/30/2017
Categories: Undergraduate