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  • Blue Origin’s Suborbital Research: CRExIM

    PI Pedro LLanos

    CO-I Sathya Gangadharan

    This research conducted with Co-Investigators Sathya Gangadharan (ERAU) and Kristina Andrijauskaite (MUSC/UTHSCSA), funded by ERAU’s Faculty Research Development Program, was ERAU's first suborbital payload aboard Blue Origin’s New Shepard launched December 12, 2017. The main aim of this research was to investigate the effect of microgravity on T-cells and to understand how this research could be used to develop T-cell-based therapeutics for cancer patients. A second goal was to monitor the environment that T-cells encountered during suborbital flight. The recorded data will be used to better understand the behavior and functionality of the T-cells when exposed to different stressors.

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    Tags: Blue Origin’s New Shepard space Cancer t cells microgravity

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

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