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  • Meta-Analyses of the Effects of Standardized Handoff Protocols on Patient, Provider, and Organizational Outcomes

    PI Joseph Keebler

    CO-I Elizabeth Lazzara

    This meta-analysis attempts to understand the benefits of a structured communication process on patient, provider, and organizational outcomes. Studies have found that one of the most crucial points during a patient’s hospital stay is the transition of care between one or more providers, often referred to as a patient handoff. These brief interactions between providers are often especially vulnerable to communication breakdowns due to interruptions, omission of pertinent information by the sender or receiver of the information. To illustrate, upwards of 80% of severe, preventable medical errors have been attributed to miscommunication during handoffs. In other words, failures in communication during handoff are potentially responsible for the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives every year in the United States.
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    Tags: Teamwork human factors

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

  • Understanding Factors that Influence Anesthesia Handoffs

    PI Elizabeth Lazzara

    CO-I Joseph Keebler

    Communication is an essential aspect of quality patient care in modern medicine, yet mishaps in communication during handoffs (i.e., the transition of a patient between two or more providers) happen frequently. The purpose of this project was to understand the factors that influence handoffs between anesthesia providers and clinicians within the post anesthesia care unit. 
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    Tags: human factors Teamwork

    Categories: Faculty-Staff

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