Embry-Riddle online course evaluations are a fast and easy way to give feedback on your courses. Evaluations are an important process at ERAU and make a difference in helping deans, chairs and faculty enhance courses, review faculty performance and meet the University’s goals.

All feedback is anonymous and confidential. Data is compiled and available to your instructors in an aggregate, summary report and only AFTER final grades are submitted. The evaluations are housed by an independent vendor, EvaluationKIT, and all student identifying marks are purged before reports are compiled.

High response rates represent a voice of the class rather than the opinion of a few. Honest and thoughtful responses are essential for giving instructors and their deans and chairs useful feedback for improving the class for the future.

There are several methods to access your evaluations:

  • Email: Click on the link in the email from ERAUEval@evaluationkit.com
  • ERNIE: Sign into ERNIE and locate "My Tools", then click on "All Tools". Once on the "Tools" page, locate "Course Evaluations" and click on it.
    Visual aid to access My Tools on ERNIEVisual Aid for locating Couse Evaluations in ERNIE
  • Canvas: Sign into Canvas and select a course. Click on the link named "End of Course Evaluations" located on the left-hand menu.
    Visual guide on accessing End of Course Evaluations on Canvas
Most, but not all courses are evaluated. If you feel a course was left off of your evaluation in error, contact ERAU’s Institutional Research department at eraueval@erau.edu. We will need your: Campus, Term, Course Code & Instructor to track the evaluation down.
Students will receive notifications via an email invitation sent to their ERAU email account.
If you have completed all of your evaluations, your EvaluationKIT dashboard will show that you have no evaluations left to complete.
You have the option to “Save and Come Back Later.” Responses you have given will be saved and can be submitted at a later time.
Reminders are sent to students with any incomplete evaluations. Please navigate to your EvaluationKIT dashboard to confirm you have submitted all of your evaluations. You will continue to receive reminders until all of your evaluations are submitted.
Complete all your evaluations. Once all evaluations in your EvaluationKIT survey dashboard is complete, the window will not appear when you sign into Canvas.
As long as the evaluation period is still open, we can reset your evaluation. Email your request to eraueval@erau.edu. Please include: campus, term, course, course ID & instructor.
No. Once a survey closes, we are unable to reopen the evaluation. Evaluations are open for approximately two weeks prior to the last day of class. Evaluations close for Residential campuses on Study Day and for Worldwide courses three days after the last day of class.
That means evaluations for that term have closed. Evaluations are open for approximately two weeks prior to the last day of class. Evaluations close for Residential campuses on Study Day and for Worldwide courses three days after the last day of class.
Your course evaluations are stored off campus, on EvaluationKIT servers. Faculty and administrators do not have access to data until reports are released from EvaluationKIT, when grades are submitted. When reports are released, the data is only reported in aggregate with no identifying marks.
Your feedback is vital to the success of ERAU. Results of the evaluations are used to identifying strengths and weaknesses of courses, programs, and faculty instruction. Chairs and Deans use the evaluations as part of the annual assessment process, course review and faculty promotion/tenure process.
EvaluationKIT software can determine the courses you need to evaluate and makes these courses available to you. EvaluationKIT also has the functionality to allow email reminders to be sent to non-responders at pre-determined intervals (4 days, 10 days and 13 days after the evaluation opens). Instructors are able to download lists of respondent/non-respondent students for follow-up only. This list only provides: Course ID, Student first and last name, email, ERNIE user ID, Student ID and Submit date. No data is associated with this list. Results are not produced for courses with fewer than 4 completed evaluations. Summary reports are provided to faculty only after grades are submitted. Summary reports DO NOT include any identifying student information. Written comments are provided as submitted.
No. Every student is given the opportunity to give us feedback on their courses. Be the voice of the class rather than the opinion.
No. Reports will not be available until after final grades are due.