Student Assessment of Instruction

Student feedback is an integral component of the University’s comprehensive assessment of instructional effectiveness. Your confidential feedback will be used to assess and improve course quality. Please provide your thoughtful input concerning the instruction in this course. If you are unable to provide input for a particular item, then please leave it blank.

Strongly Agree=SA, Agree=A, Disagree=D, Strongly Disagree=SD

Rating Questions

  1. The learning outcomes were clearly stated.
  2. The learning outcomes were addressed via the learning activities in the course.
  3. I achieved the learning outcomes for this course.
  4. The instructor taught the course content in a manner that made it understandable.
  5. The instructor showed expertise in the subject matter.
  6. The instructor’s materials enhanced my understanding of the course content.
  7. The instructor showed enthusiasm for teaching.
  8. The instructor kept the class engaged.
  9. The instructor encouraged an environment of mutual respect.
  10. The instructor encouraged an atmosphere in which I felt comfortable participating.
  11. The instructor was available for consultation during office hours or by appointment.
  12. The instructor was well-prepared for class.
  13. The instructor provided clear instructions for completing class assignments.
  14. The instructor assessed my work according to clearly communicated criteria.
  15. The instructor’s feedback on my work helped me better understand the subject matter.
  16. I am satisfied with the instruction in this course.

Short Answer Questions

  1. What elements in the course MOST helped you learn the course content? Please be specific.
  2. What elements in the course LEAST helped you learn the course content? Please be specific.
  3. If you could make changes to the course to help you better learn the course content, then what would they be? Please be specific.