Student Assessment of Instruction

Student feedback is an integral component of the University’s comprehensive assessment of instructional effectiveness. Your confidential feedback will be used to assess and improve course quality. Please provide your thoughtful input concerning the instruction in this course. If you are unable to provide input for a particular item, then please leave it blank.

Strongly Agree=SA, Agree=A, Disagree=D, Strongly Disagree=SD

Multiple Choice:

  1. I took this class to satisfy:
    (Major Requirement, Minor Requirement, General Elective Requirement, Elective Credit, or General Interest)
  2. Expected class grade:
    (A, B, C, D, or F)
  3. Before taking this class my interest in this subject was:
    (Very High, High, Average, Low, Very Low)
  4. Before taking this class my knowledge in this subject was:
    (Very High, High, Average, Low, Very Low)
  5. After taking this class my knowledge in this subject is:
    (Very High, High, Average, Low, Very Low)

Rating Questions

Content, Structure and Organization of the Course

  1. My instructor distributed and followed a clear, well-organized course syllabus
  2. My instructor's methods and materials help me learn.
  3. Examinations/assignments reflect materials covered in the class.
  4. The required textbook helped me master the material in the course (leave blank if no textbook was required)

Student/Instructor Interaction

  1. My instructor challenged me to think critically and to express myself effectively.
  2. My instructor shows an interest in and respect for me as a student.
  3. My instructor responds to student questions and concerns in a constructive manner

Clarity of Presentation

  1. My instructor speaks clearly and is easily understood.
  2. My instructor is well-prepared for class.
  3. My instructor shows enthusiasm for and interest in the subject matter.

Overall Opinion of Instruction

  1. While it is difficult to compare instructors, especially in different subject areas, how would you rate this instructor on a comparative basis with other instructors:
    (Excellent, Above Average, Average, Below Average, Poor)

Short Answer Questions

  1. What abilities of the instructor were most helpful in your learning and understanding?
  2. What areas of this faculty member's performance need improvement?
  3. Additional comments about this course and/or the instructor