Student Assessment of Instruction

Student feedback is an integral component of the University’s comprehensive assessment of instructional effectiveness. Your confidential feedback will be used to assess and improve course quality. Please provide your thoughtful input concerning the instruction in this course. If you are unable to provide input for a particular item, then please leave it blank.

Strongly Agree=SA, Agree=A, Disagree=D, Strongly Disagree=SD


  1. The instructor exhibited expertise in the course subject matter.
  2. The instructor used a variety of methods to communicate with the class. (e.g. email, announcements, etc.)
  3. The instructor was readily available for questions and assistance outside the classroom.
  4. The instructor provided timely feedback on my assignments and progress.
  5. The instructor provided meaningful feedback on my assignments and progress.
  6. The instructor kept the class actively engaged with the subject matter and each other.
  7. The instructor demonstrated the relevance of the curriculum to real-world situations.
  8. My overall impression of the instructor is positive.
  9. How likely is it that you would recommend this instructor to a fellow student?
  10. General Comments regarding this instructor:

Delivery Mode

  1. The delivery mode (e.g. Classroom, Online, EagleVision, etc.) used in this course was my most preferred
    delivery mode.
  2. My overall impression of this delivery mode (e.g. Classroom, Online, EagleVision, etc.) is positive. 
  3. General Comments regarding this delivery mode:


  1. The learning objectives were clearly stated throughout this course.
  2. Quizzes and examinations were fair tests of the learning objectives and materials in the course.
  3. The grading criteria were explicit and easy to understand.
  4. Instructions for course activities and assignments were clear.
  5. The average amount of hours I spend working on this course (in and out of class) per week is:
    (More than 15, 10-15, 5-10, 0-5)
  6. The workload in this course was well-distributed throughout the term.
  7. This course used a variety of instructional methods, materials, and media.
  8. The textbook and/or assigned readings were relevant and supported the learning objectives.
  9. Graded assignments contributed to my knowledge of the course material and understanding of the subject.
  10. Overall, this course met my expectations for the quality of an ERAU course.
  11. Tuition paid for this course was a worthwhile investment.
  12. General comments regarding this course