Disclaimer: The design and development of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University online courses follow the Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric and its eight standards. As you take the time to provide us with your feedback, please familiarize yourself with the Rubric and its standards to have an understanding of how our online courses are developed.

Strongly Agree=SA, Agree=A, Disagree=D, Strongly Disagree=SD

Rating Questions

  1. I enjoyed teaching this course.
  2. The assessments measured the proposed learning outcomes and module objectives.
  3. The instructional materials (readings, videos, presentations, tutorials, etc.) contributed to the achievement of the learning outcomes and module objectives.
  4. The learning activities promoted the achievement of the learning outcomes and module objectives.
  5. The learning technologies adopted in this course promoted the achievement of the learning outcomes and module objectives.
  6. I am satisfied with the integrations of external resources (if any) in the course.
  7. The assignment instructions were well-written.
  8. The discussion activities promoted student/student interaction.
  9. The discussion activities promoted student/instructor interaction.
  10. The teaching workload is properly balanced in this course.
  11. The teaching workload is manageable in this course.
  12. The grading workload is properly balanced in this course.
  13. The grading workload is manageable in this course.
  14. The Information for Instructors area, particularly page 2, provided me with the information that I needed to teach this course.
  15. The course provided me with several opportunities to meaningfully interact with my students.
  16. What overall rating would you give to this course?
    (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor)

Short Answer Questions

  1. Were there any topics your students struggled with during the term?
  2. Please provide specific recommendations for improvement of the course.
  3. Do you have additional resources that could be included in the course?