1-10 of 12 results
Graphics Tools for Meteorology Research and Education
PI Mark Sinclair
A software package called MADS (Meteorological Analysis and Diagnostic Software) is being developed to provide gridded data (both archived and real-time) and graphical software to produce maps, cross-sections, vertical profiles, time series graphs and statistical (climatological) displays of a large number of basic and derived quantities.
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Ice Cloud Parameterizations and Aircraft Icing
PI Dorothea Ivanova
Ice and mixed phase clouds have an important impact on aviation, but they are often poorly represented in the models.
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Mesoscale Computer Modeling of the North American Monsoon over Arizona
PI Dorothea Ivanova
The Department of Meteorology is involved in research on the North American (Mexican) Monsoon in Arizona and the U.S. Southwest.
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Cbud Computing for Meteorology Education
PI Curtis James
Weather analysis and forecasting require both critical thinking and three-dimensional spatial analysis skills to apply complex theory to the diagnosis of atmospheric processes from multiple environmental variables in a variety of formats.
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Wingsuit Aerodynamic Performance Measurement and Design Improvements
PI Timothy Sestak
Wingsuit flight and wingsuit design is in its pioneering stages. Development of wingsuits with regards to aerodynamics is rudimentary, and has been done primarily by a process of trial and error, and lacks solid aerodynamic foundation. A wingsuit is essentially a ram-air inflated airfoil structure with a human pilot inside.
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Novel n x n Bit-Serial Multiplier Architecture Optimized for Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)
PI Akhan Almagambetov
CO-I David Feinauer
CO-I Holly Ross
Bit-serial multipliers have a variety of applications, from the implementation of neural networks to cryptography. The advantage of a bit-serial multiplier is its relatively small footprint, when implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device. Despite their apparent advantages, however, traditional bit-serial multipliers typically require a substantial overhead, in terms of component usage, which directly translates to a large area of the chip being reserved while many of those resources are unused.
This research addresses the possibility of an efficient two's complement bit-serial multiplier (serial-serial multiplier) implementation that would minimize flip-flop and control set usage on an FPGA device, thereby potentially reducing the overall area of the circuit. Since the proposed architecture is modular, it functions as a "generic" definition that can be effortlessly implemented on an FPGA device for any number of bits.
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Identifying Cost-Effective Security Barrier Technologies for K-12 Schools: An Interdisciplinary Evaluation
PI Thomas Foley
CO-I Reginald Parker
CO-I Michele Gazica
CO-I Brooke Shannon
CO-I Erin Bowen
CO-I Muna Slewa
CO-I Michael Brady
CO-I Richard Rodriguez
CO-I Perry Feder
This study proposes to test and collect data on the effectiveness of commonly used physical security systems in delaying intruders. The purpose of this study is to support the design of better physical security systems for schools. The study will also gather data on parent and teacher perceptions of the quality of security in schools.
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Matrix Analysis and Operator Theory
PI Edward Poon
Matrices and operators are ubiquitous throughout science, engineering, and mathematics; they are the transformations that arise whenever one studies a linear system (or approximates a nonlinear system by a linear one). Examples include rotations and reflections (rigid motions of space), spin operators (quantum mechanics and quantum computing), stress tensors (mechanics), regression and curve fitting (statistics and data analysis), derivatives and linear differential operators (dynamical systems), to name just a few. By studying various properties, relations, and transformations of matrices and operators one may obtain insight into a wide range of phenomena.
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PI Pragati Pradhan
CO-I Brian Rachford
CO-I Noel Richardson
Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences, as people have been observing and learning from the stars for thousands of years. Astronomy has expanded beyond visible light to include the full spectrum of electromagnetic waves, from radio to x-rays and gamma rays, as well as cosmic messengers beyond the electromagnetic spectrum.
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A Knowledge-based Consultant for Diagnosing Toxic Exposures
PI Joel Schipper
Joel Schipper of Electrical and Computer Engineering works with the Florida Poison Information Center to develop a knowledge-based system to aid in the timely diagnosis of exposures to unknown toxins.
Read moreCategories: Faculty-Staff Undergraduate
1-10 of 12 results