Welcome to OCIIP!

Welcome to the Office of Continuous Improvement and Institutional Performance (OCIIP) at Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University. As the Associate Vice President for OCIIP, I have the honor of leading a team of dedicated professionals who strive to infuse purpose and significance into everything we do at ERAU. We foster a transformative culture that focuses on continuous improvement by leading efforts around:

  • Accreditation
  • Academic and Administrative Assessment
  • Program Review
  • State Authorization

Our Purpose-Driven Approach

We believe educational institutions should not merely comply with external demands but proactively pursue their internal aspirations geared at maximizing opportunities for students to succeed. We aim to fulfill our institution’s mission, facilitate student learning, and ensure excellence in our academic and administrative spheres. We shift our focus from satisfying external expectations to enhancing student learning, redirecting our efforts toward meaningful improvement rather than continually re-proving what should be rather obvious.

Our Dedicated Support

Whether you are a curious faculty member, a discerning accrediting body, or a proactive student, our dedicated staff stands ready to guide you. Our mission extends beyond mere assistance; we keep you informed of the following:

  • Crucial deadlines
  • Expectations
  • Opportunities for professional development

Whether you need help thinking about what your assessment data is telling you, figuring out which button to push in our Assessment Management System, or needing to work with an external accrediting body, we are here and ready to meet with you and provide any level of assistance you desire.

Within our site, you’ll be able to explore the dynamic realm of ERAU’s commitment to enriching student learning and ensuring student success. You can discover:

  • The rationale behind our approach in all areas
  • The innovative methodologies we employ to allow faculty and staff to focus their energy on telling meaningful stories
  • The profound impact our initiatives have on elevating ERAU performance across all areas

Our collaborative efforts converge to establish OCIIP as a global pioneer in redefining quality assurance within higher education. And none of our work is possible without the efforts of our dedicated faculty and staff, who do the work that we help report on.

Our Invitation to You

Join us on our continuous improvement journey through website updates, the OCIIP newsletter, or social media platforms. Your involvement is not just welcomed; it is a catalyst for transformative learning and growth.

Together, let’s redefine quality assurance in higher education and propel Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University to greater heights of excellence.

With that, I welcome you to our site!

Dr. Will Miller

Associate Vice President for Continuous Improvement and Institutional Performance SACSCOC Liaison
Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University

Contact Us
Dr. Will Miller
Associate Vice President for Continuous Improvement & Institutional Performance
Email: will.miller@erau.edu