The Government Relations' mission is to implement a comprehensive and proactive program of federal, state, and local government relations advocacy and action to support the university's vision, mission, and strategic goals.
This mission is intended to raise Embry‑Riddle's pre-eminence in the aviation and aerospace industry, actively influence the national agenda, and increase the diversity and size of university revenues.
The prime strategic objective for Government Relations, assisted by contracted lobbyists, is to develop and implement the legislative agenda for the university, which includes the federal agenda and the agendas for Florida, Arizona, and the Worldwide Campus.
The office employs the full weight and resources of the university by convincing and using university faculty and staff to participate in the legislative agenda.
The office also ensures that the university community is informed about key legislative issues so it can advise, react, participate, and support appropriate university action. A key element includes informing the university about appropriate government funding opportunities so that interested parties can take action.
To achieve the mission and strategic objectives as outlined above, the Office of Government Relations:
- Maintains a continuous dialogue with internal and external Embry‑Riddle stakeholders to develop the legislative agenda and respond to legislative and agency activity.
- Directs the activities and manages the objectives of each of the lobbyists and consultants employed.
- Develops and maintains relationships with government officials and staff.
- Continuously seeks and responds to opportunities for elevating Embry‑Riddle's presence and recognition as a state and national go-to resource for aviation and aerospace higher education and research.
- Continuously seeks and causes a response to appropriate opportunities for government revenue opportunities.
- Significantly impacts university revenues through the legislative process.
- Develops and exploits a university reputation as an honest broker evaluator.
- Encourages and exploits the development and implementation of university signature projects for the purpose of advancing the university's pre-eminence.
- Continuously seeks partnerships with and provides support to other university programs that can enhance the mission of the university.