To ensure that your application is complete and ready to be reviewed, please verify that you have included all information necessary for an IRB reviewer.
1. Investigator Information
- Name of all investigators, including the Principal Investigator (person responsible for the project)
- Campus
- College
- Faculty/Student/Staff-Admin
- Degree Level (For students, the degree program you are working on. For faculty, level of degree.)
- Date of Start of Research (No data can be collected prior to IRB approval)
- Type of Project (survey, interviews, etc.)
- Title of the Project (Keep consistent in all documents)
- Funded? (IGNITE, FIRST Program, NSF, etc.)
2. Questions to Be Answered
- Background and Purpose
- Estimated Amount of Time Needed From a Participant
- Design, Procedures and Methods
- Measures and Data to be Collected
- Participant Population and Recruitment Procedures
- Risks and/or Discomforts
- Benefits
- Informed Consent Form (ICF)
- Confidentiality of Records/Data and Privacy
- Economic Considerations/Incentives
3. Informed Consent Form (ICF)
- See the Obtaining Participant Consent document and view examples on the Participant Recruitment and Consent page
- Explain why you are doing this research (purpose), what will happen during the study and how long it may take to complete the study
- Detail any risk(s) associated with the study
- Explain the benefits of the study to the participant (if any) and to others
- Explain how records/data will be kept confidential and whether or not data will be used in future studies
- Include whether or not the participant will be compensated, and if so, how
- Provide a point of contact for additional information about the study
- Inform participant that he/she is a volunteer and may quit at any time without penalty, and explain what will happen to data collected if a participant stops participating prior to completion of the study
- Provide a place for the participant to agree to participate either by checking agree for an anonymous survey or providing a place for a participant to sign in agreement to participate
- Include the eligibility requirements and a place for the participant to verify that they meet those requirements
- Include a Parental Consent Form and Child Assent Form for research using minors
4. Supporting Materials Are Uploaded
- Recruitment materials, including email verbiage, flyers, posters, etc.
- Survey or questionnaire
- Script or questions for interview
- Any other documents that the participant will receive or was mentioned in the application