Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University appreciates the hard work that agents and counselors do to provide information to interested students and extend our gratitude for these partnerships. Apply to become one of our agents.

Email a specific campus: Daytona BeachPrescottWorldwideAsia

International Recruitment Agency Partnerships


Contact Name

Adventus Education chris.price@adventuseducation.com
AECC Global tiffany.hardman@aeccglobal.com
Aeromain bkrho@aeromain.com
American Academy Agency (AAA Korea) aaakorea@aaainfo.co.kr
Any Talk World young@anytalkw.com
ApplyBoard Inc. savon.jackson@applyboard.com
Aquila Aviation Co. Ltd. aquila@teamaquila.com
August Network avrota@augustnetwork.com
AY Study info@aystudy.com
Blue Chip ‐ Study USA joakim.frisk@bluechip.nu
Career Mosaic nirmal@careermosaic.org
Chongro Overseas Educational Institute epln07@coei.com
College Life Italia gcastelli@collegelifeitalia.com
Counseling CO may@ieeuc.com
Edu World International info@myeduworld.com
EduBridge Vietnam edubridgevn@gmail.com
Educatius College & University Services zhitao.yang@educatius.org
EduCo julia.croft@educoglobal.com
Edwise International LLP sushil@edwiseinternational.com
EDUCON rrr@educon.sa
Fact Center for Abroad Education LLC team@five9-sports.com
Five 9 Sports Management rusty.wienk@fact24.us
Global Admission Center amy@globaladmissioncenter.com
Global Placement & Guidance Solutions nvandeiheide@gpgstt.com
Global Study Partners catherine@globalstudypartners.com
Gold Tassel Programas Universitarios Ltda. gavur@goldtassel.com
IAEC Consultants Pvt. Ltd. madhukar@iaecconsultants.com
IDP Education (USA) taylor.bethel@idp.com
IMTP Consultancy Services imtp.overseas@gmail.com
Jamboree Education Pvt Ltd rajan@jamboreeindia.com
KC Overseas Education Private Limited nalini@kcoverseas.com
Keystone Sports agustina.serio@agmeducacion.es
Kings Talent info@kingstalent.com
Kumlin Recruiting emilkumlin@hotmail.com
Let's Go U.C.N.A. letsgoucna12@gmail.com
MatchUp SAS accounts@matchupglobal.com
OH! Study Education Center joan.huang@ohstudy.net
PAC Asia Study Abroad pbhatia@pacasia.org
SAC Pilot Management admin@sacpilot.com
Safeercom admin@safeercom.com
Shiksha rai.ashish@shiksha.com
Shinyway Education nicohe@shinyway.com.cn
Solomon Edu solomon@solomonedu.com
Studee International Ltd. ana.taranto@studee.com
Studyportals sabrinagarza@studyportals.com
Sunway Admission ceo@sunwayadmission.us
The U for You melanie@theuforyou.com
Twone Education Consultancy oyang@twoneeducation.com
University Study (previously College Study US) gbergman@universitystudy.com
USTARS Group david@ustarsgroup.net
Uway jang92@uway.com
Yes Atlas hadeel@yesatlas.com

Language Institute Articulation Agreements


Contact Phone and Email

Converse International School/Career English 619-239-3363, careerenglish@cisl.edu
ELS Education Services, Inc. 609-759-5939, skassab@els.edu

Disclaimer to students: Please note that it is not required to use an agent to apply to Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical University and that your application does not garner special consideration due to the use of an agent.