Master of Science in Management

Master of Science in

With accredited curriculum that aligns with industry demands, this program offers additional certificate options and a focus on addressing organizational challenges.

The Master of Science in Management (MSM) degree program at Embry-Riddle Worldwide is designed for students who know their trade and whose next logical career move is to break into management or secure a promotion and increase their earning potential. The program integrates both theoretical and practical knowledge so that students are prepared to advance up the management ranks in their industry.

Crafted with industry partners, the Master of Science in Management is uniquely structured to provide a high-reliability organizations (HRO) foundation, a degree-specific core and a certificate of the student's choice. With HRO concepts such as risk management and mitigation woven throughout the program, students graduate prepared to succeed in the high-risk and complex environments of today’s organizations. In addition to the core classes, students can also dig deeper and explore the topics that excite them most by choosing from a collection of nine resume-boosting certificates. 

The program provides a greater emphasis on management and operations than a traditional MBA, teaching a blend of soft and hard skills designed to create well-rounded and capable managers. Courses are taught in a practical, hands-on manner with research opportunities in each class. Students who are currently in the workforce can "Learn it in class tonight. Apply it at work tomorrow."  

The curriculum is aligned with stringent industry demands, with accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools Programs.  


About Management at the Worldwide & Online Campus

The landscape of management is always changing. Managers need to have strong analytical skills and be able to assess all aspects of an operational problem in order to generate solutions. This needs to be done while considering the high-tech, global and diverse nature of today’s marketplace. 

A successful manager should have both the technical skills and managerial skills to manage resources, lead teams and apply solutions to organizational challenges. The Master of Science in Management degree at Embry-Riddle prepares its graduates to be action oriented and do just that. 

As one of the few schools in the country and elsewhere to have a unifying theme across its graduate degrees, the Worldwide College of Business incorporates an HRO foundation focused on managing risk and operating with high reliability in industries like aviation, healthcare, business and more. 

Students pursuing the Master of Science in Management can start or finish their degree program by earning one of the following resume-boosting certifications: 

  • Business Intelligence and Analytics 
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Information Systems Security
  • International Business
  • Leadership
  • Marketing
  • Project Management

The program is taught by faculty who challenge students to become better thinkers. Whether classes are taken online, in the classroom or via Embry-Riddle’s video teleconferencing platform, students will discover how to analyze problems and implement solutions. 

The program’s objectives are for graduates to: 

  • Build a managerial toolkit with applicable skills focused on quantitative thinking, communication and global competence
  • Explore complex managerial thinking
  • Demonstrate the ability to define and solve complex organizational issues
  • Apply advanced management concepts, particularly in organizational behavior, decision making and strategy
  • Apply strategic thinking, planning, and action to managerial decision making and organizational problems

Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs accredited degree program

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36 Credits

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