Although it hasn’t always been an easy path, Dariel Garcia is thrilled that he’s landed in Embry-Riddle’s flight training program. (Embry-Riddle Photo / Bill Fredette-Huffman) Although it hasn’t always been an easy path, Dariel Garcia is thrilled that he’s landed in Embry-Riddle’s flight training program. (Embry-Riddle Photo / Bill Fredette-Huffman)
Although it hasn’t always been an easy path, Dariel Garcia is thrilled that he’s landed in Embry-Riddle’s flight training program. (Embry-Riddle Photo / Bill Fredette-Huffman)

Aspiring Leader Finds a Home for His Aviation Dreams at Embry-Riddle

Story by Jon O'Neill
Jon O'Neill

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Although the odds were against him, one Eagle combined determination with the support of his parents to find success as an Aeronautical Science major.

For Dariel Garcia (’26), the journey to a job on the flight deck has been filled with obstacles that may have stopped many others. As he prepared to finish his sophomore year at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Dariel reflected on his challenges and the future opportunities he’s excited about.

Tell us about your background

My parents came to Massachusetts from the Dominican Republic in the early 2000s, hoping for a better future, like many others do. I was born and raised in the small city of Methuen, Massachusetts, but I was also raised in the Dominican Republic for the first seven years of my life, where my grandmother often took care of me because of my parent's financial struggles in the States.

Even after those first few years, I would return to the Dominican Republic during breaks and vacations, staying up to three full months out of the year for summer vacations to be with family and friends.

What ignited your interest in aviation, and when did that happen?

My interest in aviation was ignited by my grandmother. She always spoke about wanting to travel the world. I inherited this curiosity from her and made it my life’s goal to see the world.

On one of my first flights back to the United States, I remember the sense of adventure that rushed through me as the plane took off. I felt as if airplanes could put every corner of the world within reach. That is when I knew I wanted to become a pilot so I could see the world while doing something I love.

My grandmother passed away in 2020, so now my journey in aviation isn't only for fulfilling my own dream of seeing the world but also for my grandmother, who never could. 

How did you hear about Embry-Riddle?

When I got older, I became more eager to learn where and how I could become a pilot. I had no connections, and so I resorted to the Internet. Whether it was a Google search, a YouTube video or reading a Reddit thread, everywhere I looked, Embry-Riddle was mentioned. It was clear that Embry-Riddle was at the heart of aviation success in the U.S. 

Why did you choose Embry-Riddle for your B.S. in Aeronautical Science?

I choose Embry-Riddle for its reputation and legacy in aviation. When I think about my future career as a professional aviator, I want to retire one day and know that I was part of a prestigious university that helps students excel in their chosen paths and thrive at the top of their industries.

And I also did it for my parents, who have worked so hard for me to be here; I want to make them proud by attending the best aviation school in the world.

Tell us about your flight training

I started my flight training in June 2021, during my senior year of high school. I worked 32 hours a week at the height of the pandemic to raise money to afford my training, all while taking AP classes and participating in clubs.

When I arrived at Embry-Riddle in 2022 and started my instrument training, I immediately saw the vast difference in the quality of education between my Part 61 flight school and Embry-Riddle’s Part 141 course structure.

I recently completed my commercial pilot check ride and plan to stay over this summer to attend the CFI/II Fast Track Program and start flight instructing at Embry-Riddle in the fall.

It’s been clear throughout that I am training with future leaders in aviation and being prepared for success through a structured and rigorous flight program. 

What have been some other highlights of your Embry-Riddle experience so far?

One of the highlights so far has been joining the Alpha Omicron Alpha Aeronautical Honor Society. We represent the top 3% at the College of Aviation, focus on professional development and pride ourselves on our community service and leadership.

Also, joining the Honors Program and the Accelerated Master’s Program on campus. Both require an intensive amount of extra work and research but are extremely rewarding and help me grow as a student.

I am so happy I have been able to join these organizations on campus and be a part of a community of successful individuals who help each other on the path to success.

What is your ultimate career goal, and how will Embry-Riddle help you achieve it?

In my high school activities and now here in college, I have always wanted to be a leader and help others succeed. That is why my ultimate career goal in aviation is to one day become a chief pilot for a major airline.

Thanks to the accelerated master's program, I can work towards my master's in Aviation Management and Sustainability while still an undergraduate.

I hope to one day lead in aviation with my flight experience and aviation management education at Embry-Riddle, which is setting me up perfectly for this future thanks to its airline-structured training and leadership education.

What else would you like to say?

In deciding where I would go to continue my journey in aviation, I had many other options, such as Purdue, the University of North Dakota and other universities. But I knew Embry-Riddle was my choice the second I got my acceptance letter.

The recognition and legacy behind the name Embry-Riddle, complemented by its high standards in education and flight training, are preparing me to excel in aviation and set me up with the skills to one day become a leader in this industry.

Dariel, wearing a black business suit and tie, crouches in front of an aircraft at sunset.

“I’m super excited about everything else Embry-Riddle has to offer me and all the amazing memories I will be able to create here.”

Dariel Garcia, here in front of one of Embry-Riddle’s Diamond DA42s, will spend the upcoming summer building up his flight hours. (Embry-Riddle Photo / Bill Fredette-Huffman)

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