Andrew Wang, AFROTC Cadet on the Embry-Riddle Florida Campus Andrew Wang, AFROTC Cadet on the Embry-Riddle Florida Campus
Andrew Wang, Air and Space Forces Association Outstanding ROTC Cadet of the Year Award Winner (Photo: Embry‑Riddle) The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

ROTC Cadet and Meteorology Major Stands Out at Embry‑Riddle

Meteorology major Andrew Wang is also an ROTC star, being named by the Air and Space Forces Association as a top cadet in 2020.

Ever since Cadet Andrew Wang was young, he always wanted to be a part of something bigger than himself.

“Growing up with adversity, I learned that life is about showing the people around you that you care for them and that they matter to you. That is why I have made it my goal to try to positively impact those around me in as many ways as possible,” the meteorology junior said.

Wang was recently awarded the Air and Space Forces Association Outstanding ROTC Cadet of the Year Award for 2020 at the Daytona Beach Campus. The award is given annually to a distinguished cadet in the detachment by the association, which is an independent, non-profit, professional military association for the United States Air Force and Space Force.

How do you win Outstanding ROTC Cadet of the Year?

Wang’s nomination noted several accomplishments and recognitions for academic excellence, military performance, mentorship, leadership and community service. He has donated more than 100 hours of community service and participated in about 30 fraternity fundraisers that raised money for the Huntsman Cancer Foundation.

Reflecting on his childhood, Wang remembers watching his biological father mistreat his mother. His parents divorced, and his father moved to China when Wang was only six years old - leaving his mother to care for both him and his younger sister.

Since then, Wang has put family first. At Embry‑Riddle, he found an extension of his own family where he feels a sense of belonging with like-minded people through his involvement in various clubs and organizations.

“Attending Embry‑Riddle is by far one of the best decisions that I have made in my life thus far,” he said. “My pursuit of joining the United States Air Force is the best way for me to accomplish my goal of impacting others. The United States Air Force and Space Force are the pure definitions of family, and I cannot wait to hopefully be a part of it someday after progressing through the best Air Force ROTC detachment in the nation.”

What is a meteorology degree at Embry‑Riddle?

Embry‑Riddle’s Bachelor of Science in Meteorology program prepares students for fascinating careers in the National Weather Service, the U.S. military, commercial operations, aviation companies and broadcasting. Students may also move on to advanced studies in atmospheric sciences.

Embry‑Riddle students have the unique ability to focus on aviation-related careers if desired. Students combine theory with valuable hands-on experience to ensure they’re career-ready.

Why choose Embry‑Riddle for a meteorology degree?

Wang chose Embry‑Riddle for multiple reasons, one being the outstanding reputation of its Air Force ROTC Detachment. In addition, he was highly drawn to the school’s heavy focus on aviation and unique technical specialization.

“I have always dreamed of becoming a pilot for the United States Air Force, and through Embry‑Riddle, my dream may very well become a reality,” he said.

“Through Embry‑Riddle's outstanding students, faculty and resources, I feel that I will be prepared to tackle any task that I am given upon graduation. No dream is too big to achieve at Embry‑Riddle.”

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