Physical Sciences Department
- Center for Applied Physics, Control, and Optimization
- Astrophysics Laboratory
- Center for Space and Atmospheric Research
- Control Systems Laboratory
- Creekside Observatory
- Engineering Physics Propulsion Laboratory (EPPL)
- Laboratory for Exosphere and Near-Space Environment Studies (LENSES)
- Laboratory of Electro-Optic Systems (LEOS)
- Laboratory of Solar and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Physics
- Optics & Spectroscopy Laboratory
- Physics and Astronomy Laboratory
- Space & Atmospheric Instrumentation Laboratory (SAIL)
- Space Physics Research Laboratory (SPRL)
Human Factors
- Applied Training Sciences Lab
- Aerospace Physiology Laboratory
- Game-Based Education and Advanced Research (GEAR) Laboratory
- Human Factors Flight Laboratory
- Usability Lab
Aerospace Engineering
- Eagle Flight Research Center (EFRC)
- CNC Welding Laboratory
- COE Research Lab
- Composites Laboratory
- Dynamics Systems, Measurement, and Control Laboratory
- Electronics Design
- Flight Dynamics and Control Research Laboratory
- Gas Turbine Laboratory
- Lightweight Materials and Structures Laboratory
- Materials Testing Laboratory
- Nanomaterials Laboratory
- Propulsion and Aerodynamics Computational Laboratory
- Scanning Electron Microscope
- Spacecraft Development Laboratory
- Structures Laboratory
- Wind Tunnel Laboratory
Civil Engineering
- Aquaponics Laboratory
- Civil Infrastructure Monitoring and Evaluation Laboratory
- Composites Laboratory
- Lightweight Materials and Structures Laboratory
- Structures Laboratory
Electrical, Computer, Software, & Systems Engineering
- NextGen Embry‑Riddle Advanced Research (NEAR) Laboratory
- Cybersecurity Laboratory
- Dynamics Systems, Measurement, and Control Laboratory
- Radar and Microwaves Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering
- Advanced Vehicles Green Garage
- Clean Energy Systems Laboratory
- Composites Laboratory
- Dynamics Systems, Measurement, and Control Laboratory
- High-Performance Vehicle Laboratory
- Laser Applications Research Laboratory
- Lightweight Materials and Structures Laboratory
- Materials Testing Laboratory
- Multi-Disciplinary Bioengineering Laboratory
- Structures Laboratory
Engineering Fundamentals
- 3D Systems and Visualization Laboratory
- Experiential Design Laboratory I and II
Applied Aviation Sciences
- AAS Suborbital Operations Science Lab
Graduate Studies
- Cognitive Engineering Research in Transportation Systems (CERTS) Lab
- Applied Aviation Simulation Laboratory (AASL)
- Intelligent Aviation and Transportation Platforms Lab
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Laboratory