Aeronautics Student Adva Amir ('22) in the cockpit of an aircraft Aeronautics Student Adva Amir ('22) in the cockpit of an aircraft
Aeronautics student Adva Amir on the flight deck during her first trip as a pilot for SkyWest Airlines (Photo: Adva Amir)

Aeronautics Student Pursues Flying Career and B.S. Degree at the Same Time

Adva Amir is pursuing her Aeronautics degree while she works as a first officer for SkyWest Airlines, a career she has always dreamed about.

Adva Amir (‘22) arrived in the U.S. four years ago to begin her journey to become a pilot. She joined the B.S. in Aeronautics program at Embry‑Riddle Worldwide after earning an associate degree in aviation from Aviator College and has been making her mark on the aviation community ever since.

One of Amir’s several accomplishments has been co-founding a company that seeks to make air travel as casual as ride hailing. Along with business partners in her home country of Israel, she hopes to create a platform that will help commuters reach their destination on their own schedules.

“As easy as it is to take Uber today, there is no solution like this in aviation,” she said. “You can either fly expensive jets and have flexibility with your time, or conventional airlines with no flexibility, but there’s nothing in the middle.”

Embry‑Riddle helps get an idea off the ground

In one of the first courses she took with Embry‑Riddle, Principles of Management with Professor Andy Speck, Amir learned about TREP Expo, the school’s showcase of venture concepts. She decided to apply and was accepted to join the virtual event.

During the expo, she was able to present her ideas for the company and gain insight from professionals in the industry.

“I got to speak to one of them afterward and got some great information and connections,” she said.

Focusing on flight deck jobs for women

Before the pandemic, she also got the opportunity to present a TEDx Talk at the Prescott campus titled “How Women Can Change the Future of the Aviation Industry.”

Women make up just around 6% of airline pilots, and Amir believes many factors prevent women from joining the industry. She explained that gender stereotypes and lack of exposure to careers in aviation often play a significant role.

"I hear a lot of women who are afraid to come into the aviation industry, and since they don’t have many role models in the industry, it’s even more difficult for them to join. If we came to schools and spoke to women about these opportunities, I think there would be more women in aviation."

As a strong advocate for closing this gender gap, she also hopes to encourage more women to join the aviation industry as she continues her career as a pilot.

How a career and a degree can take flight together

Amir was hired by SkyWest Airlines in 2020 but was sent home in the middle of training due to the pandemic. A year later, she was called back to complete her training and fulfill her goal of working on the flight deck.

At the beginning of April 2021, her dream finally came to fruition when she flew her first route with passengers on board.

Her advice for women who want to join the aviation industry?

“Get outside of your comfort zone and go after your dreams because you only live once,” she said. “If you don’t try, you won’t know.”

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