Embry-Riddle alumnus Bryan Gamelin (’18, ’20), is currently putting his education to work as a human factors research scientist at Honeywell Aerospace. Embry-Riddle alumnus Bryan Gamelin (’18, ’20), is currently putting his education to work as a human factors research scientist at Honeywell Aerospace.
Embry‑Riddle alumnus Bryan Gamelin ('18, '20) is a human factors research scientist at Honeywell Aerospace. (Photo: Bryan Gamelin)

Eagle's Aviation Passion Leads to Honeywell

Story by Keaton S. Ziem
Keaton Ziem

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Embry‑Riddle alumnus Bryan Gamelin (’18, ’20), is currently putting his education to work as a human factors research scientist at Honeywell Aerospace.

Originally from Sarasota, Florida, Gamelin earned his bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and a master’s degree in Human Factors, and he shared how those Embry‑Riddle degrees helped shape his future:

What interested you most about Embry‑Riddle?

For me, the most appealing thing about Embry‑Riddle is the unique passion for aviation and small-town feel, as opposed to larger universities.

What was your favorite Embry‑Riddle experience?

I most enjoyed serving as a graduate teaching assistant for the Mathematics Department. I took great satisfaction in tutoring students and giving them the tools and motivation to succeed.

Did you participate in any clubs?

I served as the Treasurer for Campus Outreach. In this role, I was able to secure funding for philanthropic efforts and organize many events to benefit new students.

Did you have any trials that you had to overcome while you were at Embry‑Riddle?

Initially, it was difficult to make friends and I was quite homesick. But with time and a proactive mindset, I made friends for life and became a fuller version of myself.

How did Embry‑Riddle prepare you for your future?

Embry‑Riddle has a unique industry focus that is leveraged on a daily basis in my current role.

How has being an Embry‑Riddle graduate impacted you since graduation?

Being an Embry‑Riddle graduate is a source of pride for me. It is fun to meet fellow alumni at my workplace and share that common bond.

What is your best advice for future/current students?

Don’t procrastinate and schedule everything! And prioritize eight hours of sleep a night! If you have rigorous discipline, you can maintain a healthy work-life balance and still get the grades you want.

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