Logan poses with her arms crossed in front of a two-ton telescope; a part of the dome walls visible in the background. Logan is a white woman with dark blond hair pulled back, wearing a red polo shirt with the Embry-Riddle wordmark. Logan poses with her arms crossed in front of a two-ton telescope; a part of the dome walls visible in the background. Logan is a white woman with dark blond hair pulled back, wearing a red polo shirt with the Embry-Riddle wordmark.
Logan Price in the College of Arts and Sciences Observatory on Embry-Riddle's Daytona Beach Campus. (Photo: Embry-Riddle / Bill Fredette-Huffman)

Beyond the Stars
Astronomy and Astrophysics Scholar Finding Success

Story by Ashley Mueller
Ashley Mueller headshot.
Logan Price pursues her passion in the STEM field through on-campus involvement and internship opportunities as she balances two majors.

A native of Virginia, Logan Price (’26) is completing her second year at Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University and is double majoring in Astronomy and Astrophysics and Computational Mathematics. Since arriving at Embry‑Riddle's Daytona Beach Campus, she's had opportunities to explore her areas of interest, get involved on campus in student clubs and organizations and accept a summer internship with a reputable company.

Stellar Dreams

In the summer of 2016, Price went to a NASA-sponsored Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama, leading her to discover her interest in the astronomy field. She was able to participate in activities, including launching simulated missions, astronaut training in a scuba tank and discovering real-world applications of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and more.

“After going to Space Camp, my only goal was to pursue something that had to do with space. Soon after, I began learning about Neil deGrasse Tyson and was in awe of his mind and the work he produced. I knew that’s who I wanted to be!”

Immersed in the World of STEM

Price became consumed with all things space and dedicated time to researching top colleges that would match her interests. Embry‑Riddle soared to the top due to its academic diversity and commitment to the array of STEM programs.

“When applying to colleges, I knew I wanted to study astrophysics. That was kind of a no-brainer for me because astrophysics is everything I find fascinating bundled up into one field,” she said. “The double major was added on after I realized how much I loved math and taking on this major would show employers that I have a strong data science background.”

Her unique experience, coupled with her passion for space, not only expanded her interests but also ignited a deeper passion for the industry.

"To me, studying space meant studying the unknown. There's so much we don’t know about the universe and it’s all there to be discovered; someone just has to do it!"

Beyond the Classroom

Apart from her studies, Price dedicates much of her time toward on-campus involvement. She shared, “I feel welcomed by every group... everyone involved here has a passion and drive that is unmatched!”

Price currently serves as the Secretary of Embry‑Riddle's Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and is a Women’s Ambassador, in which she works to recruit and support prospective and current female-identifying students through travel and attending events.

“I joined SWE as one of my first clubs when coming to Embry‑Riddle last year and I immediately got involved. Now, being on the executive board has allowed me to gain a lot of leadership experience... As secretary, I also serve as the Chair of the Outreach Committee that focuses on connecting with the local K-12 community,” she said.

She continued, “I became a women’s ambassador last spring and so far, I absolutely love it. I represent the female student body of Embry‑Riddle... I feel, as an ambassador, I’m really making an impact!”

In addition to her involvement, Price is an active member of Embry‑Riddle's Orientation Team and joined Tri Sigma, becoming the Manager of New Member Orientation.

“I cannot express how impactful it was to serve during O-week. The reward of changing new students’ lives and making sure everyone feels as comfortable and excited as I was during orientation was incomparable to any other experience I’ve ever had!”

Price’s dedication to on-campus involvement gave her an instant support system through her Eagle community, rewarding her with a lifetime experience.

Shaping the Future

Fueled by her industry motivation and on-campus participation, Price recently accepted an internship as a Systems Engineer for Northrop Grumman, during which she will be in Nebraska working within the Space Sector on ground-based ballistics and atmospheric sciences.

“Just thinking about my future and how successful I can be if I just work hard now motivates me to keep working in the industry,” she expressed.

As Price continues to soar towards academic and career success, she keeps her eyes set on her goals after Embry‑Riddle.

“I hope to be doing research on what I find interesting at the time! I just want to have the freedom to study what I want to at any given time,” she shared. “I hope to have a secure job and a flourishing life; a ‘work hard now, relax later’ type situation!”

Motivation for Success

Her family's unwavering support, along with friends who inspire her every day play a vital role in shaping her journey in pursuing her academic and professional dreams.

“My biggest supporters are my parents,” she shared. “They both raised me to do what I wanted to do with my life and taught me to be the best person I am today. I would not have any opportunities or dedication without their guidance.”

She continued, “Everyone around me inspires me. My friends are all so intelligent and I pull inspiration from them daily. My brothers are spirited and teach me how to have fun. My professors are dedicated and show me that I have people who care about me and want to see me succeed!”

When asked what advice she would give to the future Eagles of Embry‑Riddle, Price said, “Talk to everyone you meet! The connections you make at Embry‑Riddle will get you every opportunity under the sun.”

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