Alexander stands in a darkened hallway lined with framed collections of aviation patches. He has medium skin tone and wears a green shirt with a subtle hibiscus pattern. Alexander stands in a darkened hallway lined with framed collections of aviation patches. He has medium skin tone and wears a green shirt with a subtle hibiscus pattern.
Alexander Kam is a Mechanical Engineering major at Embry-Riddle's Prescott Campus. (Photo: Embry-Riddle / Connor McShane)

Building a Bright Future
The Journey of a Mechanical Engineering Major

Story by Ashley Mueller
Ashley Mueller headshot.

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Alexander Kam is pursuing a future in the engineering field with hopes to work for The Boeing Company.

A native of Honolulu, Hawaii, Alexander Kam (‘24) came to Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University to play on the men’s golf team at the collegiate level and earn a prestigious degree in Mechanical Engineering on the Propulsion track.

Alexander chose to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering due to his early childhood passion: “I always loved to build things, whether it be making LEGO planes, fixing Nerf guns or making box forts,” he shared.

Academics at Embry‑Riddle

At Embry‑Riddle, Alexander has not only expanded his knowledge and gained expertise in the engineering field but also earned opportunities to engage in industry-related projects. His most notable academic accomplishment was his involvement working on a cutting-edge drone test stand in a thermal-fluids class.

“This was the most fulfilling project that I have encountered so far... I was involved in the initial planning and designs for a stand that would allow for the testing and simulation of the drone movement, without risking damage to the drone,” he shared.

Alexander’s work on the drone test stand gave him hands-on experience that combined classroom learning with the real-world setting. By working with faculty leaders and having access to state-of-the-art labs, he gained valuable insights to help further him in his industry.

Athletics at Embry‑Riddle

Alexander’s journey on the men’s golf team at Embry‑Riddle has elevated his experience on the Prescott Campus. However, the challenge to balance rigorous academics with extracurriculars and demanding athletics commitments is a battle that is ever-changing.

“Sometimes classes are more demanding and sometimes athletics is more, but the main takeaway is that there is always time that can be used for either,” he shared. “Whether it be traveling to a tournament or a couple of hours of break in between classes, there is always a little pocket of time to work on classwork or on the game.

His greatest athletic achievements came when his team won the Rocky Mountain College Tournament at Reflection Bay Golf Club. He said, “The tournament meant a lot to me since the competition there was very tough, and it was a very close battle all the way to the end!”

Through the unwavering support of his Eagle community, Alexander has fully embraced the challenges of balancing both academics and athletics.

Campus Involvement

When looking for clubs that would help with personal growth and career development, he found the Hawai'i Club and Women in Aviation International (WAI).

“I have been involved in the Hawai’i Club... It's allowed me to grow my group of friends and experience plenty of fun activities from home,” he said.“I’m also a part of the Women in Aviation Chapter here in Prescott. This club greatly advanced my visibility into the aerospace industry, as it has allowed me to attend national conferences and make many connections with people from all around the industry!”

The WAI chapter advanced his visibility into the aerospace industry and led him to attend national conferences and create industry connections, which landed him as an intern at The Boeing Company’s Test and Evaluation teams.

Internship With The Boeing Company

The Boeing Company is the world’s largest aerospace engineering company and leading aircraft manufacturer in the world.

“I recently finished my internship with The Boeing Company this past summer doing design engineering for their lab test team in Seattle, Washington. During this internship, I did a lot of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) modeling and other types of design work,” he said. “I learned so much about myself and the engineering industry during this internship, and I can already see my skills from the internship contribute to my part in my senior capstone project!”

In the near future, Alexander plans to return to The Boeing Company for a full-time position as an electrophysics engineer and hopes to help them develop and test new aircraft.

"I love to make new things and help people out, and seeing my work in use and improving people's lives really inspires me and makes me feel accomplished!"

Designing Success

Alexander’s biggest piece of advice for the future students of Embry-Riddle is to “meet as many people as you can and make some friends along the way.”

“The connections that you make at college are one of the biggest perks of being here,” he added.

When asked what inspires him to further his growth beyond Embry‑Riddle, Alexander expressed that his closest friends and family are the sources of inspiration in his life.

“My friends and family mean the world to me; they inspire me to be better each day. They are always there to help push me to be better... I really appreciate it and I’m thankful for everything that they have done for me.”

Alexander also found the importance of trying out new hobbies apart from his studies and demanding athletics.

“I recently picked up outdoor volleyball and rock climbing over the summer... I also enjoy surfing when I’m back home in Hawaii,” he said. “Overall, I love doing any type of outdoor activities as long as they're in good company with great friends!”

The experiences and the lessons learned at Embry‑Riddle will extend far beyond the classroom, as they have provided Alexander with the tools needed to fuel his personal and professional growth.

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