Javier Morales poses against a wall of windows outdoors, in a dark business suit and red tie, looking defiantly at the camera. Javier Morales poses against a wall of windows outdoors, in a dark business suit and red tie, looking defiantly at the camera.
Javier Morales will graduate with his B.S. in Aviation Business Administration in May 2024. (Photo: Embry-Riddle/Joey Harrison)

Passion for Aviation Accessibility Fuels Ambition

Story by Alison Whitney
Alison Whitney

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As an aviation enthusiast and a writer for The Avion, Javier Morales has big dreams to make the airline industry a better place for all.

Javier Morales (’24) has loved aviation for as long as he can remember. He spent a lot of time reading about planes and airlines as he was growing up in New Jersey, and his passion for aviation brought him to Embry-Riddle’s Daytona Beach Campus, where he is studying Aviation Business Administration.

Gaining an Understanding of Airlines

“I’ve always dreamed of working in the airline industry, so I was very interested in Embry Riddle’s unmatched breadth of aviation resources and, even more so, the opportunity to connect with so many other students who share my passion and goals,” Javier shared. “Also, the prospect of studying on a campus adjacent to an active airport really sealed the deal.”

He chose the B.S. in Aviation Business Administration route due to the versatility of the program – he’s learning business practices that are applicable anywhere, along with a deeper understanding of airline operations.

“In the classroom, Embry-Riddle is preparing me for the future by offering a degree program tailored to the aviation field, allowing me to learn key skills employers are looking for,” Javier explained. “Outside of class, there are constant opportunities to learn more about potential career paths during Career Expos, company information sessions and guest speakers.”

Embry-Riddle has introduced me to many great mentors in the airline industry and has given me plenty of opportunities to try new things and get out of my comfort zone.

Alaska Airlines Internship

Javier recently interned with Alaska Airlines in Seattle as part of their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) team. One of his major contributions was the development of an internal initiative to raise awareness of and improve the spaces available to nursing mothers and those in need of a place to pray or meditate in the workplace.

“I was given the autonomy to be creative, suggest new ways to achieve Alaska’s DEI goals and lead those projects as they progressed,” he said. “I also participated in the early stages of Alaska’s rollout of audio descriptions for its inflight entertainment library, making content more accessible for the visually impaired. I’m so proud to have played a part in turning an idea into a tangible improvement to the passenger experience.”

During his internship, Javier joined Alaska Airlines at the 2023 Disability:IN Conference in Orlando, Florida, which centers on how businesses can make the world more accessible for people with disabilities. Some of the aviation industry’s most prevalent challenges include finding ways to prevent damage to mobility aids like wheelchairs and communicate with deaf or hard-of-hearing air passengers.

“This was a great experience not only because I learned more about accessibility but also because I improved key skills that will help me throughout my professional career; collaboration, maximizing professional conferences, networking, time management and virtual project management as I worked on my internship projects while at Disability:IN,” he said.

Life at Embry-Riddle

One Embry-Riddle moment that Javier holds onto is when CommutAir flew an ERJ 145 to display on the ramp just off campus.

“I had just arrived as a transfer student to Embry-Riddle not even two months prior and was still trying to find my footing,” he said. “But watching a carrier take an aircraft out of service and fly it to Daytona just for Embry-Riddle . . . made me feel like I was in the right place; I had found my people and a school that could help me build a career in aviation.”

On campus, Javier devotes his writing talents to The Avion, the Daytona Beach Campus’s student publication, where his job involves covering the airline industry and the Daytona Beach International Airport.

“I love to write and recently represented The Avion at the Associated Collegiate Press’ Fall National College Media Convention in Atlanta,” he said.

He also works on campus as an overnight desk assistant in the Student Union and is a part of the Road Eagles running group on Strava.

Off campus, Javier is a member of the Florida Public Relations Association. He said, “It’s been a great way to learn more about public relations and connect with professionals in the local community. Last spring, I represented Embry-Riddle at the Volusia/Flagler Chapter’s annual ‘Student Takeover’ event, where I presented research on PR strategies employed by airline industry stakeholders during irregular winter operations.”

Looking to the Future

Javier’s short-term goal after graduation is to join a corporate team at a major U.S. airline, but he has bigger long-term goals.

“My ultimate career goal is to become CEO of one of the major carriers and lead an airline. But, regardless of what my job is, I have every intent to take what I learned during my Alaska Airlines internship to keep advocating for and advancing accessibility and inclusion in aviation however possible.”

Javier offered this advice to those who follow him:

“Don’t be afraid to seek out mentorship opportunities. There are students, alumni and faculty doing amazing things in every field who, at one point, stood exactly where you are now as a new member of the Embry-Riddle community. They know how daunting starting college and trying to prepare for the future can be and have a lot of guidance to offer. By building relationships at on-campus events or through Career Services, or even just by reaching out on a site like LinkedIn, you can learn a lot and potentially gain lifelong friends and advocates.”

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