Faith Vasquez ('25) was inspired to major in Global Business and Supply Chain Management after observing the affects the pandemic had on the global supply chain. (Photo: Embry-Riddle/Connor McShane) Faith Vasquez ('25) was inspired to major in Global Business and Supply Chain Management after observing the affects the pandemic had on the global supply chain. (Photo: Embry-Riddle/Connor McShane)
Global Business & Supply Chain Management major and Boeing Scholar Faith Vasquez. (Photo: Embry‑Riddle/Connor McShane)

Boeing Scholar Puts Focus on Global Business and Supply Chain Management

Story by Pamela Ortiz
Pamela Ortiz

Boeing Scholar and Global Business major Faith Vasquez wants to be a part of the global supply chain solution. ↖ This heading is for screen readers and wont be visible on the page.

Boeing Scholar and Global Business major Faith Vasquez wants to be a part of the global supply chain solution.

You likely now have a better understanding of how a worldwide pandemic can affect the global supply chain demand. For Boeing Scholar Faith Vasquez (’25), it was the deciding factor in choosing to major in Global Business and Supply Chain Management.

“The last two years have been difficult due to the pandemic, and one thing that has been greatly affected is the global supply chain,” explains Vasquez. “This caught my eye, and I decided I wanted to do something about it.”

Vasquez initially took notice of Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University after discovering the high employment rate of its graduates. She was sold on the passionate and industry-experienced faculty and the number of resources available to her during her studies.

“The university is very academically driven, and there are many resources on campus that can be utilized to succeed.”

Why study Global Business and Supply Chain Management at Embry‑Riddle?

The Global Business program is designed for students interested in business practices, culture-specific communications, supply chain management and global entrepreneurship success. The program examines global issues in aviation, logistics, marketing, accounting, trade and other topics relevant to international business and reflects the ever-changing and demanding environment.

In addition, the Prescott Campus is home to an acclaimed School of Business whose students, for ten consecutive years, have brought home more awards from the Phi Beta Lambda State Leadership Conference than any other school in attendance, including nationally ranked business schools.

How Does The Boeing Scholar Program Help Students?

Vasquez appreciates the opportunity that The Boeing Company has afforded her through the Boeing Scholar program, which includes meeting previous scholarship recipients and gaining insight on how to be the best student she can be.

"The program has helped me gain a sense of community and provides extra support on my journey to my career.”

Still early in her academic career, Vasquez seeks guidance from her highly knowledgeable professors.

“One thing I have enjoyed most about my school experience is getting to know my professors, as they provide great insight and are excellent resources to utilize.”

Her professors have even helped her appreciate more challenging courses, such as Calculus and Analytical Geometry, which ended up being one of her favorite classes.

“The work environment was amazing, and my professor made learning and understanding complex topics fun.”

Vasquez advises future and fellow students to branch out and diversify their options when it comes to networking.

“My advice is to get involved and make as many connections as you can,” she said. “Do not limit yourself to one friend group; always continue to expand your circle.”

A Great Place to Live and Learn

As she delves deeper into her studies, Vasquez makes sure she spends time outside of the classroom and takes advantage of the campus’s unique location.

“One of my favorite things about the Prescott Campus is the plethora of outdoor activities it has to offer,” she said. “I often find myself hiking, snowboarding, camping, paddleboarding, rock climbing and so much more.”

Vaquez credits her drive to succeed to her parents who encouraged her to never place limits upon herself.

“I will continue to put my all into my goals; as my parents have taught me that by having a strong work ethic, I can achieve anything.”

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