The overall goal of the Enrollment Management SIT is to implement an adaptive enrollment vision and associated management plan that supports ERAU's unique identity and mission.
- Enrollment with a Purpose: Optimize the recruitment process to support student success, program health and the financial strength of the university.
- Retention Focused Admissions: Use data analytics in the admission process to identify opportunities for maximum retention.
- Implement Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (SEMP) Initiatives: Partnering with Office of Information Technology, implement highest priority enrollment initiatives to support external visibility, marketing and data analysis.
- Centralized Recruitment: Leverage our strength of the centralized Enrollment Management organization to provide consistent support for all academic units and applicants in an efficient manner.
- Enrollment Marketing: Use marketing tools and resources with high return on investment (ROI) to identify, recruit, and enroll a diverse student body across all campuses and programs.
- Transfer and Graduate Enrollment: Maximize opportunities for student enrollment by strengthening relationships with transfer institutions, community organizations, government and industry and military partnerships.
- Financial Aid/IFS Optimization: Provide long-term stewardship of resources by optimizing the use of IFS and philanthropic support.
View the Enrollment Management components of the Strategic Plan.
SIT Members
- Chair: Jason Ruckert, Senior Vice President of Enrollment Management, Marketing and Student Affairs
- Michael Novak, Dean of Enrollment Management — Worldwide
- Bryan Dougherty, Dean of Enrollment Management — Prescott
- BJ Adams, Dean of Enrollment Management — Daytona Beach
- Amanda Murawski, Executive Director of Web Strategy
- Kristen Weitzel, Executive Director of Enrollment Marketing and Digital Strategy
- Denise Lind, Director of Accounting and Financial Projects
- Melanie Rohrbacher, Director of Operations for the SVP of EMMSA