Prescott STEM Building at dusk.

The overall goal of the Student Experience is to provide an exceptional student experience that aligns with improved retention and timely graduation: 

  1. Reinforce essential student skills through curriculum: Prepare students for lifelong learning by empowering them with essential learning skills. Strengthen the curriculum of all programs with experience in critical thinking, communication, applied learning and research.
  2. Expand out-of-class engagement: Supplement the classroom experience with a wide range of out-of-class learning activities.
  3. Promote student physical and mental well-being: Provide students with resources to help maintain their physical and mental health.

View the Student Experience components of the Strategic Plan.

SIT Members


  • Dr. Kelly Austin, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost — University Administration

Executive Committee

  • Bert Zarb, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Aaron Clevenger, Assistant Provost & Dean of International Programs
  • Will Miller, Associate Vice President for Continuous Improvement & Institutional Performance
  • Chris Whippy, Chief Business Officer — Daytona Beach
  • Dietmar Rempfer, Dean, College of Engineering and Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Mathematics — Prescott
  • Shanan Gibson, Dean, O'Maley College of Business and Professor of Management — Daytona Beach
  • Peter Hoffmann, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences and Professor of Physical Sciences — Daytona Beach
  • Lisa Kollar, Dean of Students
  • Amy Jefts, Dean of Student Support
  • Bettina Mrusek, Administrative Fellow, Chair, Department of COA Undergraduate Studies, and Associate Professor — Worldwide
  • Maria Franco, Executive Director of Institutional Research
  • Lee Wilkerson, Dean of Students — Prescott
  • Jennah Perry, Interim Dean, College of Aviation — Prescott

Steering Committee

  • Bert Zarb, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Pablo Alvarez, Associate Vice Chancellor, Campus Operations — Worldwide
  • Lisa Kollar, Dean of Students
  • Lee Wilkerson, Dean of Students — Prescott
  • Amy Jefts, Dean of Student Support
  • Rachel Vigness, Assistant Dean of Student Success & Accreditation, College of Business and Associate Professor of the Practice — Worldwide
  • Tara Matusik, Assistant Dean of Student Support Services — Prescott
  • Bettina Mrusek, Administrative Fellow, Chair, Department of COA Undergraduate Studies and Associate Professor — Worldwide
  • Daniel Friedenzohn, Senior Associate Dean, College of Aviation and Professor of Aeronautical Science —Daytona Beach
  • Jeff Brown, Professor of Civil Engineering & Director of the Honors Program — Daytona Beach
  • Michele Zanolin, Professor of Physics — Prescott
  • Brian Roth, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering — Prescott
  • Jennifer Hinebaugh, Associate Professor of Management — Daytona Beach
  • Darren Skinner, Director of Undergraduate Advising
  • Ronnie Mack, Director of Undergraduate Research
  • Julie Ferguson, University Registrar
  • Amy Cicchino, Associate Director for CTLE
  • Evgeniia Egorova, President, Student Government Association — Daytona Beach
  • Grace Brown, President, Student Government Association — Prescott
  • Maria Franco – Executive Director of Institutional Research
  • Deborah Prosser, Hunt Library Director
  • Debra Bourdeau, Associate Dean for Student Success and Academics
  • Zafer Hatahet, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences — Worldwide
  • Tanya Corbin, Chair, Department of Security & Emergency Services
  • Karin Gollin, Executive Director, Student Engagement & Student Union — Daytona Beach
  • Henry Ponciano, Dean of Students — Worldwide
  • E.J. Walicki, Executive Director, Housing and Residence Life
  • Rich Nicols, Assistant Dean, Retention & Parent Student Programs
  • Lisa Schlegel, Director of First Year Experience
  • Heather Kim, Executive Director of Career Services
  • Sandi Ohman, Director of Career Services Operations
  • Darren Skinner, Director of Undergraduate Advising
  • Teresa Michaelson, Director of Counseling Center — Prescott

Strategy Sub-Groups

  • Academic Interventions and Programming - Bettina Mrusek (lead)
  • Advising and Student Support - Amy Jefts (lead)
  • Co-Curricular Initiatives - Lisa Koller (lead)