Group if international students

How to Apply for ERLI

Students must complete high school before coming to ERLI. To apply to the Embry‑Riddle Language Institute (ERLI), please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the online application. Start by clicking the "Apply Today" button on the right. Then click on the "sign up" link to enter your name and email address. Students applying to ERLI should have high-beginning* level of English. If you are not sure about your English level, please email
  2. Check your email and fill out the application. At the end, pay the application fee ($50). 
  3. Visit the International Student and Scholar Services website to upload required documents to request your I-20.
  4. Monitor your email address daily for admissions decision and to learn about the next steps.
  5. If you are interested in studying in a degree program at ERAU, it is a good idea to start your academic application now. 

After completing the I-20 request, students need to allow 5-10 days for the processing. I-20s are emailed to the student's ERAU email. Once you have received your I-20, schedule an appointment with a U.S. embassy or consulate for a visa appointment. Visa appointments may take a while, so start early!

*Students coming to ERLI should have high-beginning English skills to place in level 2. Please email for options.

More Information

You can learn more about the application process and find answers to other common questions on our FAQ (questions) page.

  1. 지원서를 작성하십시오. 오른쪽에 'Apply Now' 버튼을 누르면 시작됩니다.
  2. 전형료(50달러)를 지불하십시오.
  3. 공증된 재정보증서를 제출하십시오.
  4. 여권 사본과 한국의 집주소를 제출하십시오.

  1. ١- تعبئة النموذج الالكتروني ، للبدء بذلك اضغط على ايقونه "اطلب الان" في أسفل الصفحة على اليمين.
  2. ٢- دفع ٥٠ دولار أمريكي رسوم النموذج الالكتروني.
  3. ٣- إرسال نسخة إلكترونيه للضمان المالي مصدق و معتمد.
  4. ٤- إرسال نسخة إلكترونيه لجواز السفر و أيضا إرسال عنوان السكن الدائم.

  1. 点击右侧"申请" 完成网上申请表格
  2. 交50$ 申请费
  3. 提交一份公证(官方)资金(产)证明
  4. 提交一份护照复印件和居住地址

  1. Completar la solicitud en línea (Online Application). Empezar haciendo clíck en el botón "Apply Today" localizado en el lado derecho.
  2. Pagar el costo de la solicitud ($50)
  3. Enviar una copia de tu pasaporte y un documento de soporte financiero. Estos documentos se encuentran y se envian por la pagina web de International Student and Scholar Services

Чтобы подать заявку в институт Embry‑Riddle Language Institute (ELI), выполните следующие действия:

  1. Заполните онлайн-заявку. Начните с нажатия кнопки “Apply Today" справа.
  2. Оплатить регистрационный взнос (50$)
  3. Посетите веб-сайт International Student and Scholar Services website, чтобы загрузить копию паспорта и “Aффидевит о Финансовой Поддержке

После того как все ваши документы  будут получены и одобрены, вы сможете заказать I-20

How to Apply for the Pathway Program

The ERLI Pathway program allows students to earn credits toward their Embry‑Riddle degree while completing their English proficiency requirements.  You must have provisional admission to an ERAU academic program before you can join the Pathway Program.  Follow the steps below to apply for Pathway:

  1. Apply to an ERAU academic undergraduate or graduate program by clicking the orange "Apply Today" button below. Please note that academic requirements for each program may differ. Contact the admissions advisors listed below if you have questions about a specific degree program.
  2. After you submit an ERAU application, submit an interest form to notify ERLI of your interest in joining the Pathway Program.
  3. Someone from ERLI will contact you via email to guide you through the next steps.